When it comes to sci-fi's coolest spaceships, there is no single factor. Some are huge spaceships that can be seen from the streets, while others are small and agile underdogs. While some spaceships have incredible firepower, others only deliver packages around the galaxy. But the ten spaceships that we selected for our list have something special.
Spaceships can come in many shapes and sizes, depending on their fiction. However, they also come from many other places, such as TV, movies and comic books. The one that appeals to your friends may not be the best. You might forget about the ships that impressed you as a child and instead focus on a new, sleeker ship. No matter what you think is the most amazing spaceship in sci fi, it's clear that they are inspiring and leaving us feeling like children again.
If you are looking to bring these iconic spaceships into the home as decorations or toys, then take a look at our Star Wars Lego sets or best model rocket kits.
10. Planet Express - Futurama
Image credit: 20th Century Fox
The Planet Express ship, affectionately called Old Bessie (by Professor Farnsworth), is a joyful amalgamation of popular culture and sleek design. The ship's bright colors, which are actually called electric mucus, its streamlined shape and traditional fins give it a 1950s Americana feel. It is almost as if Professor Farnsworth bred a Cadillac to go with a modern Space X.
The Planet Express ship runs on dark matter and later, whale oil. However, it doesn't move by itself. Instead, it uses the Dark Matter Accelerator to move the universe around it. This makes it one of the most innovative spaceships in scifi.
Leela, Fry and Bender crew the Planet Express ship. They use it to make interplanetary deliveries that others aren't brave/stupid enough. Unfortunately for them, their slogan is "Our crew is replaceable, but your package isn't!"
The Planet Express is tough despite its appearance. The Planet Express is equipped with a laser-turret and a lot of torpedoes. Futurama's quirks are evident in the inclusion of a giraffe network, an unbreakable diamond tie-down rope and an elephant detector. (which can be adjusted to woolly or large, of course). The inside is spacious and offers plenty of entertainment, including a galley, game room, and lion den.
9. Discovery - 2001: A Space Odyssey
(Image credit: Stanley Kubrick Productions)
2001: A Space Odyssey was released in 1968. It changed sci-fi cinema, and helped elevate sci-fi literature to the mainstream. The Discovery is definitely on top of our list of coolest spaceships in science-fiction. Kubrick's vision of the Discovery was inspired by Arthur C. Clarkes incredible Space Odyssey series.
The Discovery speaks of retro sensibilities. There are lots of sharp angles mixed with smooth curves and satellite dishes popping out. The spaceship looks and feels like a mix of classic rockets with thrusters at its base that propel it, but with bulbous living quarters that feel as if it's hanging in space. This is quite fitting, as 2001: A Space Odyssey explores the notion of man's place in the universe. It makes us feel extremely vulnerable.
H.A.L. is a must-have for any discussion about Discovery. 9000, the famed (or more accurately, infamous) supercomputer intelligent with an imposing simplicity and red light that oozes menace, one of the most haunting elements of sci-fi history.
8. Event Horizon - Event Horizon
Image credit: Golar Productions
A spaceship that opens a rift in space-time continuum and disappears into a black hole, then mysteriously reappears, is our pick for the coolest spaceship in sci fi. The Event Horizon spaceship is also one of the most bizarre vessels we have ever seen. Just looking at the Event Horizon spacecraft gives you the creeps!
The Event Horizon's warp core must have been a terrifying experience. This is fitting considering the themes of the movie. It is a room that is spherical, with a core around which rings turn. It is covered with giant spikes and a multitude of panels that make it seem claustrophobic. This is where the horrors unfold and the film's events reach a crescendo. The ship's exteriors feel equally terrifying. A large bulkhead prods forwards with protrusions that resemble arms gives it the appearance of a monster ready to take its place. The ship extends backwards, with platforms that hold the engines. It looks as fragile as its crew.
The Event Horizon is the only sci-fi spaceship that we would be less reluctant to board.
7. U.S.C.S.S. Nostromo - Alien
Image credit: 20th Century Studios
The United States Cargo Star Ship (U.S.C.S.S.S.) is the spaceship that speaks of grunts being sent into space by suitably dressed bureaucrats. Nostromo. The U.S.C.S.S. is bulky, rough and not at all elegant. Nostromo, a battleship in gray, is made from sections that have been kit-bashed and added after a disaster. The claustrophobic feel was actually inspired by World War II submarines. Although we rarely see the exterior of the ship much, the interior is a symbol of retro-futuristic scifi design.
The Nostromo is, in fact, much smaller than people think. It's not the huge ship that lands on LV-426 that is left in orbit. It's actually a refinery the ship is towing behind, much like an intergalactic haulage vehicle. The ship's interior is made up of clean white living spaces and industrial corridors. It also has high-tech hypersleep pods.
The Nostromo, on its return to Earth, is diverted by the Nostromo to investigate a distress beacon. This prematurely wakes the crew from hypersleep, and then, terror ensues. It is one of the most cool spaceships in sci fi, and can withstand (well, almost) an xenomorph attack.
6. Thunderbird 3 - Thunderbirds
Image credit: ITV
Spaceships were once designed as simple rockets. The design of these spaceships was very similar to other types. The 1965 Thunderbirds TV series is a British classic. Thunderbird 3 is a normal rocket. Three thrusters are located at the base. There's scaffolding keeping them in place. The fuselage has a cigar-shaped shape and taper into a sharp point that allows for the escape from the Earth's atmosphere. Its bright red color with black accents really makes it stand out. This spacecraft was built in the 1960s.
Thunderbird 3 was piloted in a rotating cockpit by John Tracy or Alan Tracy. This rotated cockpit kept the pilots up. This single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO) rocket was capable of reaching immense high speeds and was often used for space rescues of other ships, which is why weve picked it as one of the coolest spaceships in sci-fi.
Thunderbird 1 & Thunderbird 5 deserve a special mention, too. We think they are very F.A.B.
5. Guardians of the Galaxy - The Milano
(Image credit: Marvel Studios)
The Milano isn't seen in the Guardians of the Galaxy or other Avengers movies very often, but it is beautiful when we do see it. It is a magnificent vessel that looks like a bird flying, with its wings arching up so it looks like a predator hovering above its prey. The ship's wings flare outwards almost like feathers. A large window behind the crew hides the crew's beak. It is fitting that Peter Quill, the Star-Lord, the captain of Milano, named the ship after his childhood crush Alyssa Milano.
It is primarily a ship that transports the Guardians between points A and B. It does not fight interstellar wars. It is more likely to be hit by a speeding Thor rather than an ion or torpedo blast. It is a fast ship that can be seen maneuvering between obstacles and escaping danger, regardless of whether it is piloted by Rocket Raccoon or Peter Quill.
Although the Milano is not the most clean ship, it offers great company and excellent music. There are plenty of adventures on the Milano.
4. SSV Normandy – Mass Effect
(Image credit to EA)
The Systems Alliance Space Vehicle Normandy Stealth Reconnaissance-1 or the Normandy SR-1 is sleek and dangerous. Despite its beautiful curves and tapering shape, the Normandy is well-known for its crucial role in the war against the Reapers. It is also known for being the most competent helmsman in all of the Alliance fleets, Jeff Joker Moreau (and Commander Shepard too, we suppose).
The Normandy is one of the most beautiful spaceships in sci fi. It has the perfect combination of beauty and power. The spaceship is known for its stealth and cloaking capabilities, but this also comes at a cost. It builds heat reserves that must be vented before the crew inside.
The Normandy is equipped with defense lasers and javelin torpedoes as well as kinetic barriers and a spinal mass accelerator gunnon. However, not all wars are won by espionage. Mass Effect 2 gives the Normandy a refit, making it the SSV Normandy SR2. The Normandy, whether it's the refit or the original, is not something to take lightly.
3. Red Dwarf – Red Dwarf
(Image credit: BBC).
The opening scene of Red Dwarf TV's classic series features Dave Lister as the central character painting the name of the titular ship. It is amazing how small and insignificant humans can seem. This close-up shot slowly pulls back to reveal the enormous ship. The ship slows down as it moves through deep space. We can't see Listers brushstrokes. This is no surprise considering the vessel's enormous dimensions (6 miles in length, 5 miles high, and 4 miles wide).
It is a small, ramshackle spaceship with a large scoop at its head. It is solid but fragile. The ship has a large body with sharp angles. There are also probes and small satellite dishes scattered throughout the spaceship.
This spaceship is a city-sized and has a small crew. However, you'll find many bars, cinemas, as well as hundreds of machines that are constantly breaking down inside. There's also a talking toaster and a humanoid kitten. Red Dwarf was an amazing (and bizarre) show.
2. 2.
Image credit: Lucasfilm
The Millennium Falcon's unassuming, circular body with two spikes in front of it shouldn't be so iconic. The Star Wars franchise may have given the Millennium Falcon its legendary status, but its smaller details, such as the cockpit to the side with its sectioned windows through the stars bleed back, and the rotating turret at the top, which many characters have seen spin while blasting TIE fighters, could also be responsible.
Its doodads that break every take-off, and its interior corridors that curve around living quarters were seminal scenes have made the Millennium Falcon unique. The ship is messy and charming, capturing the charm of its crew of charming rogues.
This ship is for you if you need to smuggle contraband across the galaxy or make the Kessel Run in 12 seconds.
1. U.S.S. U.S.S. Enterprise (NCC-1701D) - Star Trek
Image credit: Paramount Pictures
This could be taken by any version of Enterprise, to be fair. Many Star Trek fans were influenced by Picard and the Next Generation crew. This is why the U.S.S.S. was chosen. The Enterprise is one of the most innovative spaceships in sci fi. The D model was slightly different from Captain Kirk's NCC-1701 but the core design was kept by the designers as Enterprise was just as unique as Picard or Kirk.
This ship is truly amazing to see, powered by the sci-fi concept matter/anti-matter. The U.S.S. The U.S.S. Enterprise is a unique ship with its large saucer facing the final frontier, and the engines extended behind. Speed is the ship's forte, amplified by the shift to warp speed. The Enterprise bursts and stretches faster than light, leaving behind two streaks of darkness against the dark space.
The Enterprise is more than that. It represents all that's positive about humanity's future in space. It may have weapons, but the Enterprise is a vessel for exploration and discovery.