Subway's tuna sandwiches are under scrutiny. Jrg Carstensen/Getty Images
According to reports, a lawsuit alleging Subway mislabeled its tuna was dismissed by a judge.
California courts found that the claimants failed to meet the legal requirements to sue the sandwich giant.
Subway described the suit as "reckless" and "improper," which was filed earlier in the year.
California's federal judge dismissed Thursday's case against Subway. The lawsuit was brought by customers who claimed that the tuna used to make its sandwiches wasn’t authentic.
Bloomberg reported that Judge Jon S. Tigar of the U.S. District Court, Northern District of California said he had read the complaint but could not find any reliance claims.
Subway was accused of misleading consumers about the tuna sandwich contents. The lawsuit was filed in January.
The plaintiffs were Karen Dhanowa, Nilima Amin and Nilima Alamin. They filed a class action complaint against Subway at the US District Court for Northern California. According to Insider's Allana Akhtar, the plaintiffs claimed that Subway had repeatedly confirmed that the tuna product was made without any actual tuna fish. However, they did not name the testing agencies.
Subway was also accused of mislabeling tuna products using cheaper ingredients. The suit stated that the products were made from a mix of different concoctions.
Subway denied the claims and claimed they were "meritless."
Subway stated that tuna was one of their most popular sandwiches in a statement to Insider. We receive 100% wild-caught tuna from our restaurants and mix it with mayonnaise to make sandwiches for our customers.
The Washington Post reported that the dismissal of the judge was not based upon any findings regarding the content of tuna but rather on the fact that plaintiffs did not meet the legal requirements to sue.
Plaintiffs must still describe what statements they saw and relied on, when they saw them, and where they were located in order to meet the heightened standard of pleading. Tigar ruled that the complaint fails to meet the "... standard" because they failed to do so.
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Subway did not immediately reply to Insider's request.
Subway stated in a statement to The Washington Post that they were not responsible for the lawsuit. Subway praised the court for discharging the reckless and inappropriate lawsuit surrounding Subway's tuna.
Business Insider has the original article.