Star Trek: Prodigy will have a big draw for the older Trekkies with the return of Kathryn Janeway, Kate Mulgrew's captain. Star Trek: Voyager's captain will be the holographic advisor for the show's rambunctious teens who end up with the experimental U.S.S. Protostar. After fans were given a sneak peek at the one-hour premiere, a clip of the show was shown to them at New York Comic-Con. Mulgrew isn't letting Janeway down if you love the character.
Paramount+ and Nickelodeon have also announced new cast members to their already crowded cast. Robert Beltran will also return to voice his Voyager character. He was Commander Chakotay's character on the series but has been promoted to Captain at the time of Prodigy. Along with Snowpiercers Daveed Diggs and Hell, Ensign Ascencia's future villain Jamela Jamil will be playing Commander Tysess. Jason Alexander from Seinfelds will play Doctor Noum.
Mulgrew had previously mentioned how her return to her sci-fi classic character was partly to pass on the franchise to a new generation. Her digital counterpart would agree. Janeway advises the teens that I am only there to give advice. All other matters are up to the crew. Janeway is a hologram and knows that the teens are trying to hide something. She doesn't know that the Protostar is under threat. John Noble, Gwyn's father, wants the ship for his own purposes. The teens will have to escape his clutches. They were slaves under his rule. However, exploring the Delta Quadrant after many years on one planet is a nice side benefit.
Star Trek: Prodigy will premiere on Paramount+ October 28. It will air its episodes on Nickelodeon after its run there.
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