Texas GOP candidate for governor Allen West was tested positive for COVID-19 by his wife.
West indicated that he could be admitted to hospital after his oxygen levels dropped, and x-rays revealed pneumonia.
West, an unvaccinated person, stated that he has taken the unproven drugs hydroxychloroquine, and ivermectin.
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Texas GOP candidate for governor Allen West said that he was ill with COVID-19 Saturday.
West, a former US representative in Florida and retired Army lieutenant Colonel, stated that he and Angela both tested positive.
West posted on his Facebook page, "I want to thanx all of you for praying,"
He also stated that he was concerned about his oxygen saturation levels. "They are at 89, and they should be 95." Although x-rays showed pneumonia, he said that it is not serious.
West stated, "I'm probably going to be admitted at the hospital."
West claimed that his wife had been vaccinated but that he hadn't.
"LTC West has publicly declared that he supports individual freedom and this is reflected within his family," another announcement was made on his Facebook.
According to the announcement, West had taken both Hydroxychloroquine protocol and Ivermectin protocol. These drugs are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration for COVID-19 treatment. There is no protocol for their use.
After studies that found it "unlikely" to be effective in COVID-19 treatment, the FDA withdrew the emergency authorization for hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 treatment in June 2020.
After rising calls to poison control centers from people self-medicating using the horse deworming medication, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued an advisory against Ivermectin earlier this summer. Andrea Michaelson, an Insider, reported that the drug can cause serious side effects and that there is no reliable evidence that it treats COVID-19.
In addition, West and his wife were given monoclonal antibodies infusion therapy. They are now being monitored. Monoclonal antibodies therapies have been approved by the FDA to treat COVID-19. The best results can be achieved if the drug is administered in the early stages of the symptoms.
Two days earlier, West announced that he had COVID-19 at Mission Generation Annual Gala Lakewood Yacht Club.
Insider received an email from West asking for comments at the time of publication.