There are two types of attention: the good and the bad.
Twitch streamer Lydia Ellery, a Yogscast member, discovered that on Thursday her Instagram account was deleted without warning. What is the apparent reason? The long-held handle was also named after the Netflix series Squid Game.
Yup, she claimed she had been using the @SquidGame account for "years". As of Oct. 9, however, a visit to the Instagram page shows the following message: "The URL you followed may not be working or the page may have been deleted."
Ellery is certain that she knows exactly what happened.
On Oct. 7, she wrote, "Ermm, I think so many people tried to log into mine account or report it (squidgame), that instagram have blocked me." "I have applied for review and will wait for their decision for 24 hours."
On Oct. 8, she said, "I was being overwhelmed with messages from show fans but now Instagram have completely blocked my access to it."
It is not clear whether Ellery's Instagram account was reported by mass fans of Netflix to ban it from Instagram or if it was pulled without fan protest.
Ellery uses variations of "Squid Game", for her various social media and streaming accounts. We tried to reach Ellery for comment but did not receive an immediate response. We reached out to Netflix and Instagram, both owned by Facebook, about the apparent removal. However, we did not receive an immediate reply.
It is not the first instance of an Instagram account with a prominent or auspicious name landing its owner in digital trouble. Instagram took an account from a man in 2019 apparently without warning because it was suitable for members of the British royal family.
SEE ALSO: Facebook removes its name from its VR platform. You might be wondering why.
While the 2019 incident was frustrating, Ellery's losing of the @SquidGame account on Instagram represents something more. It is a painful reminder that social media platforms streamers depend on to make a living are not theirs.