It's official: Saga will be back.
It is possible that you may remember creators Brian K. Vaughan, Fiona Staples and Fiona Staples announcing they would be taking an "intermission" back in 2018. Vaughan stated that they would suspend publication of the series for at most the next year. We didn't take this decision lightly. Fiona and myself felt a responsibility to continue making comics that are as good as possible. And we agreed that the only way to finish the epic story we started was with one important... let's call it... Intermission.
Vaughan announced his surprise return at the panel of New York Comic-Con 2021 with co-creator Staples. They joined via video chat. The sci-fi comic that won multiple awards will soon be releasing the second half of its story, which will lead to its final conclusion. Issue #55 will be released in January 2022. This issue will end the long hiatus and kick off a new story arc. It will be a 44-page, double-length issue priced at $2.99. Below is the new cover, which features a lot of nostalgia from the original cover in 2012.
Vaughan stated in a press release that she couldn't thank readers enough for their patience. In a press release, Vaughan stated that the next 54 issues would be more surprising, bizarre, and spectacular than the previous 54. She is eager to get back to Hazel's world and to connect with readers again. I can already see the next arc going places that I didn't imagine. I am so thankful that we were able continue doing this!
You might have forgotten that Sagas' last issue before the sabbatical ended with the revelation that Hazels father Marko was murdered in a fight against The Will. What happened next? The cover shows that we have a time skip, as explained by Hazel and Alana. Who is the ax-wielding man with them? We'll have to wait to see the book's return, which is expected to be the most epic chapter yet.
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It comes with a smart cover as well as a screen protector that fully protects our monitor. Amazon: $187
Saga #55 will be released on January 26, 2022.
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