Ted Lasso fanatics grew more and more scared over the past months. Our beloved show was in its second season, a season filled with Roy Kent exletives, Sam Obisanya smiles and Teds struggles to mental health. It became difficult to ignore the darkening of Nate Shelley (Nick Muhammed).
Ted Lasso wins the season with the final two episodes of Season 2. Nate is now the show's new villain.
It has been painful to watch sweet Coach Nate transform into an embittered, but empowered, new version. This is Ted Lasso's best character writing. Other emotional beats in this season were not a surprise. Rebecca's relationship with her father was reconstructed by Jamies feelings for Keeley. Weve been peeling back the layers of toxic Nate onion from early episodes.
Nate, the great assistant coach extraordinaire, is back at the top of the season. He's a bit too excited about scented fabrics but he's a good guy. Rebecca and Keeley help him be more assertive. This culminates with Nate telling his reflection, "You are Nathan fucking Shelley" and spitting at it. It was a gesture that shook me each time I saw it. This is exactly what Ted Lassos intended.
Coach Nate learned how to take up space but isn't using it for good. Credit: apple tv+
This is the same episode that shows how things are starting to unravel for Nate, a once great character. He has issues with his father, like many Ted Lasso characters, who places too much value on status and symbols, and Nate desperately wants to impress him. Ted could see the greatness in Nathan fiddling Shelley. His father must too. Ted also recruits Roy to be his coach, unleashing Nate’s barely-at bay insecurities. It is a message to him: If you aren't getting the job done, then we are bringing in this guy.
This is directly related to Nate's actions during episode 11, where he kissed Keeley on their shopping trip. Roy's reaction (or lackthereof) was that Nate wanted to take up space, be noticed, to be seen as an equal, or even a threat. Roy and Keeley both forgive Nate immediately. He is a nice man who made a mistake, which infuriates them even more.
The finale ends with Nate telling Ted how he feels abandoned. He says, "I worked my ass to get your attention back. To prove myself to you. To make you like me again." "But the more you did, the less cared." He said. Nate got a taste of what it was like to be loved by someone you admire. This is a feeling Nate has longed for his entire life. He can't bear it any longer, now that he's experienced it.
It is a remarkable performance by Muhammed who makes Nate feel so deeply before making you want to rip him in two like he does with Teds BELIEVE sign. After Richmond won the match, he storms off and is not seen again until the third (?!?). Flash forward to the end of the episode and it is revealed that he works as a coach for West Ham's ex-husband Rupert. Nate looks into the camera with all of the megalomaniac Real Housewifes, and the words "Fuck You Ted" still echoing in him eyes.
Although Ted Lasso's return may be nine months away at best, Nate's positioning suggests a highly anticipated third season. As lovable as he is, Rupert's antagonism during the first two seasons was largely off-screen. Although we know that he was a terrible husband to Rebecca, this happened B.T. (Before Ted), even though he is still a jerk today. This season Rupert was barely seen, and our last visit was to support Nate and whisper insidiously to his ear at Rebecca’s funeral.
The beginning of the end. Credit: apple tv+
It is painful to watch, but Nate's Season 2 episode gives Ted Lasso the stakes everyone was groaning about mid-season. This show is all about unfettered kindness. It's a show in which masculinity is all about open communication. While "Rom-communism is a comforting concept, not everyone believes it.
Now Ted Lasso has a rival. Ted Lasso is hated by more people than Richmond fans who saw him on the plane. Although the team has competition, there is no way that they will look at West Ham as they do Man City and anyone else who hasn’t personally hurt them. West Ham is out of Richmond's league in terms of actual game play, since Richmond just got out from relegation. However, the drama of ex spouses or ex coaches will be irresistible to professional sports reporters.
Mashable interviewed Mohammed in 2020 and he said that he would like to play Lord Voldemort. Although Nathan Shelley may not be the Dark Lord, we are terrified of what he will do in Season 3.
Ted Lasso can now be viewed on Apple TV+.