The end of The Expanses, the beloved, fascinatingly political, and mysterious scifi series, is near. The company has just released the final trailer for Season 6 at New York Comic Con. You can also watch it on YouTube. It will only run six episodes and air on Amazon Prime Video every Friday. The last episode will air on January 14, 2022.
You've probably been following The Expanse closely for a while and know that things are not going well in this universe. The Expanse is on fire, beloved characters are dead, and there's a mass murderer gaining a lot of support.
Here's what Amazon calls season 6:
The Expanse's sixth and final season continues with the solar system at conflict. Marco Inaros and his Free Navy continue their devastating asteroid attacks against Earth and Mars. The tensions of war, shared loss and the threat of being pulled apart by the crew of Rocinante are overwhelming Chrisjen Avasarala who sends Bobbie Draper, a former Martian Marine on a secret mission that could change the course of the conflict. Drummer, her family, and the rest of her family, are running from Marco in the Belt. A distant planet beyond the Rings is home to a new power.
How is it possible for Amazon to finish the series in six episodes? (A friend points out that three novels are dedicated to the current story arc of the show in the books. My hope is that Amazon will not tie it up with a bow. The show was saved by SyFy in 2018, but showrunner Naren Shahkar and actress Dominique Tipper (playing Naomi) hinted at Entertainment Weekly that there might be a life after Amazon.
Maybe Netflix, Hulu or Apple TV Plus might be interested (remember that Apple bought Foundation, a show based upon seminal scifi work).
Collider spoke with the show producers back in February. They were also the book authors.
Season six, I believe, is the best season yet. It continues the story we started in episode one. The Martians, Earthers, and Belters were in an extremely unstable political system. The Belters were at the bottom of the table, and everyone was fighting for their place within the solar system. It's a satisfying ending. We also keep some of that mystery, involving the larger forces of the universe, intact. This is something humans are just beginning to understand. We can tell more stories.
The series is still in shadow, but it's one that may make it less appealing to buy. Expanses showrunners Cas Anvars character (Rocinante Pilot Alex Kamal) was axed from the show after he was accused by many women of sexual harassment and assault.