A mother grizzly with her cub, walking through Yellowstone National Park's meadow. This story is not related. Will Powers/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images
Samantha Dehring was filmed near a grizzly bear in Yellowstone, May.
Wyoming's US Attorney said that she stayed and took photos as the bear charged towards her.
She was sentenced for four days in prison, fined and banned from the park for one year.
After refusing to leave a Yellowstone National Park grizzly bear with two cubs in May, a woman was sentenced for four days.
Bob Murray, acting US attorney in the District of Wyoming, stated that Samantha Dehring (25), pleaded guilty on Thursday to "willfully remaining and approaching wildlife within 100 meters."
According to his office, Dehring didn't move away from the bears when they approached her, as did other park visitors, and she took photos as the bear charged at them.
You can see the footage here.
Murray stated that "Approaching a grizzly sow with cubs in its stomach is completely foolish." "Here, pure luck explains why Dehring was a criminal defendant rather than a mauled tourists."
He said, "Wildlife is wild in Yellowstone National Park." The park is not a sanctuary where animals are kept in a safe enclosure. They can roam free in their natural habitats and will respond to threats as they are.
Dehring was fined $1,000 and required to make a $1,000 payment for community service to the Yellowstone Forever Wildlife Protection Fund. Dehring was also banned from the park for one year.
Murray stated that Dehring was also charged with "feeding, touching and teasing wildlife" but this charge was dropped.
Insider has the original article.