NYT interviewed Indra Nooyi (Pepsi's CEO, 2006-2018), about her feelings on asking for a raise.
Nooyi stated, "I can't imagine working for someone and not getting enough pay."
Research shows that women are just as likely to ask for raises than men. However, men seem to be more successful in granting their requests.
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PepsiCo's former CEO never requested a raise during his tenure as the company's chief executive.
Indra Nooyi was Pepsi's chief executives between 2006 and 2018. She stated in a recent interview that she didn't ask the board of directors to give her a raise as CEO.
Nooyi stated that she refused to accept a raise from the board because she was uncomfortable during financial crisis.
Nooyi stated that she has never asked for a raise. It is a shameful thing. It is hard for me to imagine someone working for me and telling me my salary is inadequate."
Nooyi answered the question "it's just you" when asked if Nooyi was gender-conscious about refusing to request a raise. She explained that her husband and she didn't have much money growing up so they did not spend any money on their home while she was CEO.
The Times reported that Nooyi was paid more than $31,000,000 in compensation during her last year at Pepsi.
Nooyi stated that she purchased the land and properties close to her house so that no one could build a "gigantic home." She also allowed neighbors to use the space.
Nooyi was born in Chennai, India and went to two of the most prestigious universities in the country. PepsiCo ranked her as one of the most influential women in business.
According to McKinsey research and Lean In, women in business request more promotions and raises than men. However, women who negotiate are viewed by their bosses as "intimidating," too aggressive or "bossy" by their bosses.
Harvard Business Review published a 2018 report that showed women are just as likely to ask for raises than men. However, men are more successful with their requests with a 15% success rate for women and 20% respectively.
PepsiCo could not be reached immediately for comment.