Let's face it, even though you didn't like the ending, you have lived the past two decades with a Game of Thrones-shaped hole.
It doesn't have be this way anymore.
House of the Dragon is a prequel series that was set 200 years ago before the Iron Throne fell. HBO released the first images earlier in the year.
We now have a teaser for you to look at.
Okay, the video is only 77 seconds long and most of it is text on a dark background. But that shouldn't stop us from enjoying it.
These are the shots that stood out to me most as a Game of Thrones fanatic. Some of these shots don't tell us much, others just look cool. But a few may hint at what the show might have in store.
It's worth recalling what Matt Smith, who we know will play the king's brother Prince Daemon, said in the background narration of the teaser: "Gods." Kings. Fire. Blood. We weren't made kings by our dreams. Dragons did."
The "gods” part is first. Smith speaks the word and the camera cuts to dark shots of what appears to be torches placed before the toothy dragon's head statue. This could be a hint at the importance of religion in House of the Dragon. Are we seeing again the remains of Balerion? Aegon, Aegon Conqueror's dragon, whose skull was seen in the Red Keep in Game of Thrones.
Those are some large teeth. Credit: screenshot: hbo
As Smith refers to kings, next we see a closeup of a man wearing a familiar pin, the Hand of the King’s brooch. This was worn by both Tyrion Lannister and Ned Stark in Game of Thrones. The king is next, with his hand tightly wrapped around a sword. A gold ring with the House Targaryen sigil is attached to his finger.
We already know that these two characters are Otto Hightower and King Viserys Targaryen (Paddy Considine), and they will likely have a major role in the first season.
It's not a good idea to wear a brooch. Credit: SCREENSHOT - hbo
King Viserys clutching his sword. SCREENSHOT: Credit to hbo
We see King Viserys in the throne area during a feast. The guests of honour are Lord Corlys Velaryon and his party, another wealthy Westerosi Westerosi family that is bound to the Targaryens by marriage. According to a press release accompanying the show's teaser: Wil Johnson is Ser Vaemond Velaryon, Corlys younger brother and navy commander; John Macmillan is Ser Laenor Velaryon's son; Savannah Steyn plays Lady Laena Velayron; and Theo Nate is Ser Laenor Velaryon's other son.
Feasts that are shared with different families can be a source of tension and violence in the Game of Thrones world. We get a glimpse of a fight between Lord Valeryon's two sons, where one aggressively duals the other man.
It's time to relax and enjoy a peaceful meal. Right? Credit: SCREENSHOT - hbo
The Velaryons have entered this building. Credit: SCREENSHOT - HBO
It wouldn't be Westeros if it didn't have a couple of them. Credit: SCREENSHOT, HBO
The teaser for the show is very brief, as I said earlier. There aren't many other shots, except for a few glimpses of previously announced characters and some jousting we assume is entertainment for visiting Valeryons.
Yet, we should all take a moment to look at the final teaser shot. It shows an unidentified Targaryen, most likely the king's child, Princess Rhaenyra, approaching the Iron Throne.
Isn't it just chilling? Credit: SCREENSHOT, HBO
House of the Dragon is based upon George R. R. Martin’s book Fire and Blood. We also know that the book describes a power struggle between Targaryens vying to take the Iron Throne.
The final shot with its dim lighting and profusion of spiky music feels like a prelude to the bloodshed that is sure to follow.
House of the Dragon will be available in 2022. The exact date is TBC.