Facebook chose to respond to Frances Haugen's whistleblower in the cowardliest way: By hiding Mark Zuckerberg (the man ultimately responsible for Facebooks decision) and by beginning to discredit Haugen.
This is Big Tobacco bullshit. It's exactly what John Scanlon, sleazeball PR expert, was hired to do after Jeffrey Wigand whistled off about tobacco company Brown and Williamson. Scanlons task consisted of changing the narrative surrounding B&W to one about Wigand's personality.
Vanity Fair reported that this strategy was completely ineffective in 2004. It won't work in this country. Edward Markey, a senator from Massachusetts, already called Haugen an American hero of the 21st century, and added that our nation owes him a great deal of gratitude.
Zuckerberg decided that he is above it all and is now on vacation
Wigand has receipts. Haugen also has receipts. These are internal documents as well as data from Facebooks researchers. All of these support serious claims about platform harms and the choices made by the company to maximize profit and engage in ways that would increase those damages. Although it is possible to dispute her claims on merits, Facebook is too moral for that. Zuckerberg instead chose to go on vacation.
Let's all read together today's Facebook statement about the Haugen hearing.
Facebook PR: Today, a Senate Commerce subcommittee heard from a former product manger at Facebook. He had worked less than two years and never had direct reports. He also did not attend a decision-point meeting or meet with executives. And he testified more often than six times that he was not involved in the subject matter.
Translation: Today, a peon testified before Congress. She is too important to be named
Translation: Today, a Peon testified before Congress. She is too small to be named. She isn't fancy enough to say anything worthwhile. Even though she had access multiple internal research documents to support her claims, it is impossible to trust her testimony on these documents despite her subject expertise and years of field experience.
Facebook PR: We disagree with her description of the many issues that she testified to.
Translation: We believe she is lying, but we won't tell you how or what.
Facebook PR: We agree that it is time to establish standard internet rules. It has been 25 years since the rules of the internet were updated. Instead of expecting the industry or legislators to make the societal decisions, it is now that Congress must act.
Facebook would have evidence if it had it
Translation: It's time to change the subject and make it something we enjoy better. Even though Haugen said that Facebook presents false choices regarding privacy and freedom of speech,
Let's now all see what is missing. Facebook doesn't dispute Haugens descriptions of the research, but it does not offer its own interpretation. It also doesn't engage in any of the claims Haugen makes, which are supported by internal Facebook research Haugen has provided. Facebook would provide evidence if it had.
The most funny part about Facebook's absence is Mark Zuckerberg, its CEO and the only shareholder who has the power to replace him. Zuckerberg created Facebook as a Hot or Not clone, which would almost certainly negatively impact teenage girls self-esteem. I suppose he is at least consistent. Haugen claims that his decisions, which placed profits above morals, have also made him richer than anyone else. He is the one who takes the blame. Where is he?
Haugen is speaking God's truth, even if this is the worst Facebook has to offer. We should all listen to her.