Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), responded vehemently Tuesday to Attorney General Merrick Garlands' announcement that he called in the Federal Bureau of Investigation for assistance to respond to threats against school workers who enforce Covid-19 safety guidelines. The governor stated that Florida would not allow federal agents squelch any dissent.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), speaks at a news conference in Tampa General... Hospital on December 14, 2020. Chris O'Meara/ASSOCIATED PRS
The Key Facts
Garland stated Monday that he had directed the FBI to meet with local officials and prosecutors to discuss strategies to address threats to school workers. The goal was to develop a system of threat assessment, reporting and response. This announcement comes less than a month after the National School Board Association (NSBA) sent a letter asking for FBI intervention to combat angry mobs who have been protesting Covid restrictions at school board meetings. In the letter, there were more than 20 instances of intimidation against officials. Some even came from Florida. DeSantis, the governor of the third-largest country, has been a powerful figure in blocking public Covid safety measures. DeSantis' administration banned school mask mandates and withdrew state funding from schools that violate these bans.
Important Quote
DeSantis tweeted Tuesday that Attorney General Garland is using the FBI to harass parents who are concerned and intimidate them.
Important Background
In late summer, scenes of parents calling for action against officials regarding Covid restrictions, particularly mask mandates, were seen across the country as school districts attempted to develop cautionary policies in preparation for next school year. DeSantis in Florida has stated that his administration opposes all public Covid restrictions, particularly when it comes schools. The Florida State Board of Education passed a policy in August that allows students to move from public schools to private schools if they experience what the state considers Covid-19 harassment. Taxpayers will pay the tuition for private schools. Covid-19 harassment is any form of harassment that a student experiences because of Covid protocols. A student can be asked to wear a mask to qualify for the policy's reason to allow them to transfer.
What to Watch
The Biden Administration began reimbursing Florida school districts that were denied funding due to mask mandates. The state withheld funding equal to salaries of local school board members. However, the state education commissioner recommended Monday that the state raise its penalties so federal reimbursements can't be canceled.
Continue reading
Biden Administration Pays Money to Florida Schools for Imposing Mask Mandates Against State Rules.
Florida may cover tuition for students who are allegedly bullied because they don't wear masks (Forbes).
Floridas DeSantis Signing Order To Block Mask Mandates In Schools (Forbes)
Florida to Provide Funding for 2 School Districts that Have Imposed Mask Mandates. They Must Be Removed within 48 Hours (Forbes).
Garland claims that authorities will target threats to school boards (The Associated Press).
Florida School Mask Wars: The Commissioner Wants to Punish Schools that Take Biden Plan Funding (Forbes).
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