On Tuesday, Stephanie Grisham, former White House communications director and secretary of state, admitted that her support for Donald Trump during the COVID-19 epidemic had fatal consequences.
Brianna Keilar, CNN New Day anchor, asked Grisham if she believed that Trump's enabling of a catastrophic response to the public healthcare crisis had resulted in lives being lost. Grisham replied: Yes.
The way that we dealt with COVID was awful, I believe. Grisham said that the president's vanity was what impeded the process. He also served as Melania Trump's press secretary and chief-of-staff. He was working for his country. He wasn't working for this country.
. @brikeilarcnn - "Do you think that your enabling costs live [during the pandemic]?"
Stephanie Grisham: "I do ... I don't believe I can ever forgive myself for Covid. I don't believe I can ever forgive myself. "https://t.co/kOlAhePQp3pic.twitter.com/FaZercXRfk New Day (@NewDay) October 5, 2021
Grisham did not hold a single White House press conference while she was White House press secretary. She is now promoting a tell-all book about her time working with the Trump administration.
She tried to draw a line between Trump's conduct during the pandemic, and that of the former First Lady, for whom she also worked.
Grisham pointed out that Melania Trump had, contrary to her husband, been pushing the use of masks to reduce the spread of coronavirus. She said that she doesn't think she will ever forgive herself for COVID. I don't think I can ever forgive myself.
John Berman, New Day's co-anchor, reminded Grisham of her status as a Trump lifer.
He said that the number of decisions you have made in the past five to six years is immeasurable. It's hard to say that after six years it was all a bad idea.
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This article was originally published on HuffPost. It has since been updated.