John R. Bolton, National Security Advisor and White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham watch as President Donald J. Trump takes part in a White House meeting on July 9, 2019. Jabin Botsford/Getty Images
Stephanie Grisham, in her memoir, said that she stayed at White House because there were not many options.
"The Trumps were all that I had. "At least that's what I believed for a while," Grisham wrote.
After her disgust at the White House's handling the Jan. 6 riot, Grisham resigned.
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According to Stephanie Grisham, former White House press secretary, "I'll Answer Your Questions Now," Trump was upset by the inability to get photos of medical staffers giving him acclamation after the Dayton, Ohio shootings that left 9 dead and 27 injured.
According to reports, the president said "What a waste," focusing on what he considered a mishap.
Trump reacted furiously to criticisms from local Democratic politicians about his tweets.
"Why aren't you on this plane?" Why do you think I need a whole team of people if no one is defending me? According to reports, he told Air Force One's press secretary.
Grisham discusses her relationship with Trump in a section that was published by The Washington Post to review the book.
Grisham was a Trump veteran at the time and wrote that she took the harsh treatment because she didn’t have any other options.
"I was a single mother with no trust fund. Where would I be if I had quit sooner? In her memoir, she wrote. "The Trumps were all that I had. That was at least what I believed for a while."
Many former Trump staffers are having difficulty finding work, despite being top-ranking White House staffers.
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The Jan. 6 rebellion prompted the press secretary to leave the White House.
Melania Trump, then-first lady, was reportedly asked by Grisham if she would speak out against the riot. She reportedly refused, replying: "No."
Grisham reportedly said she was hurt by the reply and sent a text to the first lady. She then resigned as her chief-of-staff and press secretary.
According to reports, the women have not spoken to each other since that time.
Liz Harrington, a spokesperson for the former president, said last week to The Washington Post that Grisham’s memoir was "another pitiful attempt at cashing in on the President’s strength and selling lies about the Trump family."
Harrington went on to call Grisham "a disgruntled ex-employee" and stated that publishers who had greenlit the wave criticizing the administration "should be ashamed of their actions in preying upon desperate people who see short term gain from writing a book full falsehoods."
Business Insider has the original article.