"Let's discuss the elephant in your womb."
On Saturday, the anger that had built up over September culminated in a boilover. On Sept. 1, Texas made it illegal to perform abortions. This was a similarity to vigilante justice. A day later, the U.S. Supreme Court moved to enforce the ban as the law was being drafted through the legal system. This angered abortion activists who perceived an implicit undermining the landmark Roe v. Wade decision.
A number of large companies, including Uber, Lyft and Apple, have pledged support for their Texas-based workers as a sign of how unpopular Texas' law is. Women's March organized an Oct. 2 Rally for Abortion Justice, despite growing resistance. Although it is a nationwide protest, the D.C.-based center of the protest featured a march to the Supreme Court.
Photos taken at the event show a energized public exercising its First Amendment right to let Greg Abbott, Texas governor, know that such unconstitutional legal games won't fly. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Handmaid's Tale and cosplay are just two examples. Middle fingers twisted. There are many clever protest signs that you can imagine. The outrage is real.
The conservative crusade against abortions has many visible adversaries, including the Texas governor. Greg Abbott. Credit: SERGIO FLORES/AFP via Getty Images
Coat hangars can be provocative symbols of protest. They are a reference to the history of women who had to end their pregnancies due to oppressive anti-abortion laws. Credit: PATRICKT.FALLON/AFP via Getty Images
There are many ways to protest signs. This is one of the most creative protest signs, declaring "not open to debate" that abortion justice is not up for discussion. Credit: ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images
The Women's March called for action and stated that "When Texas's emergency request was denied by the Supreme Court, they took the next step in overturning Roe V. Wade." We are witnessing the greatest threat to abortion access we have ever seen.
NARAL Pro-Choice America posted a similar sentiment via Twitter: "Were done compromising." Abortion justice is available for everyone, whenever, wherever, and however they need it. Reproductive freedom is fundamental freedom. Thats why we #RallyForAbortionJustice. What motivates you to rally? We want to know why you are rallying. Send us a few photos from today's rally.
Although Donald Trump, the disgraced former president, may have lost power but his influence over the Republican Party's platform remains significant. Credit: MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images
People are not only gathering in Washington, D.C. On Saturday, thousands protestors gathered at hundreds of rallies across the country to voice their concerns. This should not be surprising. Over half of the U.S. population supports birthgivers being able to access abortions.
Here's the crowd that rallied in Los Angeles for Abortion Justice. Credit: PATRICK FALLON/AFP via Getty Images
There is a lot of anger about Texas's law IN Texas. Here's an image of the protest outside Austin. Credit: SERGIO FLORES/AFP via Getty Images