Tucker Carlson, Fox News' host, reported on emails found in a laptop believed to belong to Hunter Biden. This raised questions about whether or not he improperly directed his wife (a former CNBC executive) to make donations to political groups.
This report is about Brian Steel, who was the former senior vice-president of communications at CNBC. It also includes an email that was sent in September 2016 to the son Joe Biden.
"Emails were sent to us by a source who had access to Hunter Biden's laptop. According to rumors, the one he took with him to the repair shop. We aren't sure we believe this story. Carlson stated that the laptop is real and was a genuine invention on Friday's show. These documents prove that CNBC executives used their wives to circumvent company rules banning financial contributions to political campaigns.
Breitbart reported that Brian Steel, a man whose wife was until recently an executive vice president at CNBC and a Hillary Clinton donor, married Breitbart in 2015. Carlson stated that he was a big Hillary Clinton donor. After a CNBC Republican debate, which featured biased questions favoring Democrats, that report was discovered. It was quite outrageous, in fact. You can see it on YouTube. Give yourself some time.
"The emails from Hunter Biden's laptop revealed that Brian Steels wife was spending the money and his direction. We think that is illegal, but we will leave that up to the lawyers. Carlson said, "But here are the facts." "In September 2016, Hunter Biden sent Steel an email to invite him to a fundraiser to support a former Biden aide running for Congress in South Carolina. Francis "Fran Person" was the name of the candidate.
Fran Person, a former University of South Carolina Football player, was an aide to Joe Biden during his time as a U.S. Senator from Delaware. He was also vice president and U.S. senator. Mulvaney won the contest and became a key aide to Trump's administration.
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Carlson shared an email from Steel in which he said that he would love to support [congressional] candidate Fran [person], but unfortunately, as the evp at cnbc, I am not allowed to give to political campaigns. In years past I would get around that by having my wife donate but after cnbc hosted a controversial/aggressive republican primary debate earlier this year, breitbart and rush limbaugh outed me as the husband of a 'max' hillary donor so I can't even have eileen donate any more.'"
"Explicit, anyone?" Carlson laughed after a good laugh.
"Steel worked at CNBC from 2007 until just recently. A month or two ago 2021, his wife donated $16,000 for Democrats. What percentage of the money was given to him? Steel and CNBC did not respond to our requests for comment. He concluded, "Not surprising."
According to Adweek's late August article, Steel was leaving his position as CNBC communications chief. The Washington Examiner reached to CNBC to get comment on Carlson’s report.
Steel issued a CNBC response defending the manner in which the event was handled, following condemnation from the Republican National Committee (and GOP presidential candidates) after the 2015 debate.
He wrote in an email to CNN, "People who wish to be President of America should be able answer difficult questions."
Breitbart identified Steel as someone who was an aide to Vice-President Al Gore as well as other positions in Bill Clinton’s administration. Steele said that he told the outlet that he was involved with the planning of the debate, but not on the editorial side.
The Washington Examiner reviewed Federal Election Commission records and found that an "Eileen H. Libutti", a woman who was known as "Eileen H. Libutti," made three donations to Hillary For America and the Hillary Victory Fund, totaling $8,100 from June 2015 to July 2016. This is in addition to $16,299 to Democrats since 2008.
Eileen Libutti was a managing partner of Lewis Johs Avallone Viles LLP in New York City. She was also named Steel's spouse in Breitbart reporting. This was covered by Rush Limbaugh's show in November 2015.
FEC records don't show any donations made by Libutti and Steel to Person. The Washington Examiner reached out to Libutti as well for comments about Carlson’s reporting on Steel and her.
"It is pretty clear at this point, that the major legacy media organizations don't really serve as news organizations. They are partisan political organizations. Carlson stated at the beginning that these organizations still have rules they are supposed to follow, but only on paper. "Rules such as "news executives cannot donate to political campaigns." This would be illegal, and it would be clear evidence of bias. It is not allowed. It happens. This show just received emails showing that executives in private news don't care about impartiality or rules. They will donate to anyone they like. They want you to know that they don't care about it."
The media has been able to reveal details about Hunter Biden's personal and business life over the past year thanks to the copies of a laptop, and hard drive that were reportedly taken from John Paul Mac Isaac's Delaware computer shop. After Hunter Biden, the original owner of the hardware, left it to be repaired in April 2019, the FBI took possession and has never been seen again.
Hunter Biden has not denied that it was his laptop. There have been many lines of inquiry that failed to find any evidence of fake data, and some sources claim to be able confirm its authenticity.
Late last year, concerns about the younger Biden were raised after it was revealed that he is under investigation by the Justice Department for his taxes and possible overseas transactions with China.
Hunter Biden stated in April that he was cooperating fully with the investigation, and said that he is confident that he will be cleared. Separately, Hunter Biden's expected high-dollar artwork sales raise ethics concerns about influence selling despite an agreement not to disclose the transactions.
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Tags: News. Hunter Biden. Media. 2016 Elections. Hillary Clinton.
Original Author: Daniel Chaitin, Kaelan Deese
Original Location: Tucker Carlson sends Hunter Biden email to Tucker Carlson, husband of Max Hillary Clinton donor