Are You Pregnant? The CDC Wants You to Get Vaccinated Against CoVID-19
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued the strongest recommendation to pregnant women and people who are currently pregnant to receive a COVID-19 vaccination.
This latest message from the CDC follows a similar one issued by the agency last month. Officials shared data that indicated there had been no increase in miscarriage among those who were vaccinated.
Only 31% of American pregnant women have received the COVID-19 vaccination.
The agency advised Wednesday that pregnant women and babies are more at risk if they don't get vaccinated.
This guidance comes as the CDC reports more than 125,000 cases of COVID-19 among pregnant women through September 27th. Over 22,000 people were admitted to hospital, and 161 of them died. 22 deaths were reported in August alone.
COVID-19 cases in pregnant women who are symptomatic have a greater risk of being admitted to intensive care and a 70% higher chance of dying.
A lack of vaccination against the coronavirus may also increase the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes, including stillbirth, preterm birth, and admission to intensive care for a newborn infected with COVID-19.
"Pregnancy is both a special and stressful time, and pregnancy during a Pandemic is an added concern to families," Rochelle P. Walensky, CDC Director, stated in a statement. I strongly urge anyone who is pregnant or contemplating pregnancy to speak with their healthcare provider to learn more about the COVID-19 vaccine's protective benefits to ensure their baby and their safety.
According to data from the CDC, vaccination rates for pregnant women vary based on race and ethnicity. The number of pregnant Asian women who have been fully immunized is approximately 46 percent. Fully vaccinated against COVID-19 is about 27% among Hispanic and Latino pregnant women. Black pregnant women were approximately 16% fully vaccinated, which was the lowest level of vaccination. According to the CDC, 35% of non-Hispanic white pregnant women are fully vaccinated.
The agency advised people who may become pregnant to obtain the vaccine to avoid serious illness, death, and adverse pregnancy outcomes due to the coronavirus.