Officials from the National Aviary, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania are asking the public for information about sightings. This Stellers sea eagle escaped its enclosure on Saturday. Multiple sightings of the bird have been reported but it has not been captured.
Kodiak has been living at the aviary the past 15 years. This may make it a difficult time for him. Or, the bird is enjoying an adventure of a life time. Officials with the National Aviary want him to return, since he is now free in the wild, or in this instance, in the bustle and bustle of metropolitan Pittsburgh.
Kodiak or Kody, as he is affectionately known, has been searched by Aviary staff in the city's north side and along rivers but without success. Officials don't believe that he has gone far. Kody is not considered a danger to humans or pets, and people are asked to report sightings to the National Aviary at (412-323-7235).
Since his escape, multiple sightings have been reported of the bird. Jared Latchaw, a Pittsburgh resident, was driving when Kodiak was seen sitting in the middle Pennsylvania Avenue on Pittsburgh's north side.
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He texted me that he thought there was a chicken on the roadside. A group of runners stopped me, and said that a National Aviary bird had gotten out. I got out of my car and watched him for ten minute. Latchaw added, It made my day!
According to the National Aviary, the public is asked to refrain from approaching or attempting to capture the bird. He is more likely than anyone to flee from him. He is in good health and is a trooper in dealing with different weather conditions. In a tweet, the aviary stated that eagles are resilient birds and do not eat every day in the wild.
Stellers sea eagles are a native species to the coast of northeastern Asia. They eat primarily fish and water birds. Kody has been fed humans his whole life so it is still a question if he can hunt for himself.
Saturday morning's incident saw a wire that had been used to close the eagle in an area that was never before. The National Aviary explained this in a tweet. However, officials at the National Aviary are concerned that they will never know the full details. According to a tweet, Kodys habitat is designed with safety and comfort in mind.
Kodiak, which has dark brown and white wings and a large yellow beak and 6-foot wingspan, is easy to spot. Stellars sea-eagles, which are larger than bald and some of the largest raptors alive, are larger than bald.
The National Aviary has been closed to allow the rescue team to focus on the rescue mission. It houses more than 500 birds of approximately 150 species. If you see the bird, please call the Aviary at 412-323-7235.
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