Warhammer is a costly hobby, and it has been for a long time. You can purchase a viable force of Games Workshops miniatures, whether they are in Age of Sigmars fantasy, or 40Ks far-future flavors. It will cost you hundreds to hundreds of dollars. This includes all the materials needed to build, paint and carry it. This 24-year-old kit is the best.
Squidmar Miniatures, a hobby YouTuber (via Polygon), has documented the rise in value of one the most rare Warhammer miniature kits ever made. An all-metal, tabletop-scaled Space Marine Thunderhawk Gunship from 1997 was painted by Squidmar Miniatures. This made it the most valuable Warhammer miniature in the world. The assembled and painted ship was sold at auction to an Australian hobby store for display at a ridiculous $34,882 (funny fact: that's approximately 64 times the cost of the army of pointy-hatted Lumineth Realm Lord elves I just purchased, readers).
Since its 1997 debut, the Thunderhawk Gunshipa Space Marine warship which is essentially a heavy assault fighter and troop transporter for the large, armored troopers from Humanity's Imperiumhas seen several versions. For example, the current model will cost $770. The original Thunderhawk is rare because it is an all-metal set (the new one is resin and won't cause your arms to buckle when you pick it up). It was also part of a very limited production run. Games Workshop made a few of these kits for its own convention displays in the mid-90s. In 1997, the set was sold at $650 and 500 copies were placed in lavish wooden boxes.
The kit's unassembled and assembled versions have sold previously for a fraction the price. According to Polygon, the prices range from $3,000 to $5,000. Squidmar Miniatures' paint job on this rare model has added a genuinely wild amount to the excitement surrounding its auction. I will never complain about a box of five elves and kangaroos for $60 again.
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