The flu season is peaking in October so it is recommended that you get flu shots before the end of October.
Study found that flu shots are less likely to cause severe COVID-19 complications in people who have had them.
It is safe to have the flu shot as well as the COVID-19 booster vaccine or booster simultaneously.
With the arrival of October, our second pandemic flu season will begin Friday. Scientists have some good news this time: A flu shot can lower your risk of developing serious COVID-19 symptoms.
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The study, published in Plos One last month, found that those who had received flu shots within the past six months were less likely than others to experience severe complications from a coronavirus-related infection. Researchers analyzed over 74,700 medical records of people who had tested positive for COVID-19 in the US. Israel, Germany, Italy, Germany and Israel. The researchers found that flu shot-unvaccinated people were 20% more likely than others to be admitted to ICU.
Unvaccinated people were also 58% more likely than others to visit the ER for COVID-19 complications, and 58% more likely that they would have a stroke. However, the research didn't find any connection between getting a flu shot and being less likely COVID-19-related to death.
Studies in the past have also shown a correlation between flu shots and better COVID-19 results. The flu shot does not protect against coronavirus and it does not necessarily increase immunity.
Human behavior could be another factor. It is possible that flu shots can make people more aware of their health than those who don't get them. Also, it is possible that people who have had flu shots in the past are more concerned about their health and are wealthier. This means they are more likely to seek out ways to improve their health. These factors may reduce the risk of severe COVID-19.
You can get both the flu shot as well as a COVID-19 injection at the same time.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if you are eligible for a COVID-19 boost shot, it is fine to have your flu shot the same day. This is a departure from previous guidance that recommended waiting 14 days before getting any other shots.
The CDC stated that COVID-19 vaccines could be administered at any time without regard to the timing of other vaccines on September 14.
In an interview with CNN Monday, Dr. Anthony Fauci reiterated his recommendation.
Fauci stated that the flu shot should be administered as quickly as possible and as efficiently as possible. If that means getting the flu shot in one side and the COVID shot the other, then that's fine. That's fine. It might even make it easier.
Zoetermeer, Netherlands: A doctor gives a woman the flu shot. Niels Wenstedt/BSR Agency/Getty Images
When is the best time for your flu shot?
Flu activity is more common in October. Flu season peaking between December-February.
Because vaccine immunity wanes over time and it takes two weeks for antibodies to form after the shot, September or October is the best time to get vaccinated. With a few exceptions, the CDC recommends that all people 6 months or older be vaccinated before October 31st.
Tens of thousands of Americans die each year from the flu. It's particularly dangerous for children under 2 years of age, seniors over 65, and those with chronic conditions. These groups are more likely to be hospitalized or die from the flu.
The flu season of last year was a rare event in recent history. Many people used masks, avoided public places, and traveled less. According to a JAMA article, only 2,136 influenza-positive specimens were reported by US laboratories to the CDC. The country also avoided the "twindemic" flu epidemic and COVID-19 during the same time period. 748 flu deaths were recorded. The final flu count will be higher after the CDC has completed its estimates.
According to CDC estimates, flu was linked with 22,000 deaths and 38 million infections in the US during the 2019-2020 flu season.
Dr. Anthony Fauci is preparing to receive his COVID-19 vaccination at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda (Maryland) on December 22, 2020. Patrick Semansky-Pool/Getty Images
Flu season will be worse than usual this year, as more Americans travel and attend school than ever before. According to NBC News, 37 states did not have a statewide mandate for masks as of September 1. Last fall, 37 states had statewide mandates, ABC News reported.
Even though it is best to get the flu shot as soon as possible, it is still better than getting one too late. Fauci stated in 2019 that people sometimes say they don't need a flu shot after December or January roll around because they are well into the season, and have not yet become sick.
He said, "But there's flu outside there." It's never too late for vaccination. However, it is a good idea to get your vaccines before October 31st.