Nic Cullison will have a lot to ink on his right leg if Lamar Jackson leads Baltimore Ravens to Super Bowl.
26-year-old Cullison has a tattoo to commemorate every Ravens win in 2021. Two tattoos are currently on his body: the final score of Baltimore's win over the Kansas City Chiefs in Week 2, and the goal post that honors Justin Tucker's 66-yard field goal in Detroit.
Cullison stated, "If I have my way, I'll have a full-length leg sleeve before the end of this season and finish it with Lamar holding up [the Lombardi] trophy."
Nic and Naomi Cullison
Cullison, a native of Joppatowne in Maryland, is currently on active duty with the Navy in Oklahoma. He lives there with Naomi and Raelyn, his 3-year-old daughter. Cullison's passion for sports is still with the Baltimore Orioles and Ravens.
Cullison informed his wife shortly before the Ravens' match against the Chiefs that he would have the score of the game tattooed to his right leg if Baltimore beat Kansas City. Naomi took the tattoo gun to Naomi and began inking above his right knee 10 minutes after the Ravens' comeback win of 36-35.
"After the Chiefs tattoo I was like: "Do I keep it up or do I let it die?" Cullison said. "Then, after the 66-yard field goal that I made, that was it."
Naomi Cullison and Nic Cullison are pictured with Raelyn, their daughter. Nic and Naomi Cullison
Although his wife isn't a professional tattoo artist, she would like to do an internship to improve her skills. Naomi is an aesthetician, a licensed skin care professional who wants to be able to do permanent makeup.
Two months ago, she bought the tattoo gun and began with small tattoos on Nic's wrists and herself. Nic stated that he was not hesitant to ask his wife to take care of his Ravens tattoos.
He said, "I know they won't look perfect." "The story behind it is so much more to me at the end of the night. It's amazing that my wife is cool enough for me to do that.
Nic has tattoos on both his arms and on each leg. These tattoos are in honor of his father, who was also killed by cancer in 2015, and the military.
Nic is not allowed to design the Ravens tattoos. Naomi will do that.
Naomi stated, "I'm tired seeing them look ugly."
Naomi is surprised her husband does this?
She said, "I'm shocked he didn't request it earlier." "I would classify Nic as the most die-hard of all die-hards."
Some Ravens players have taken notice of Nic's tattoos and posted photos of them on their Instagram Stories. Jackson even retweeted Nic's right leg tattooed on Twitter.
Naomi's friends who have seen the tattoos via social media tell Naomi that they are all being talked about by their husbands.
Naomi laughed and said, "I'm like that's my spouse."