He also mentioned that during Trump's fall 2020 administration, he recommended that the U.S. keep an almost twice as large force in Afghanistan, with 4,500 troops.
McKenzie, responding to questions from Senator Jim Inhofe (R.Okla.), about his advice, said that he wouldn't share his personal recommendation for the president.
He said that his personal opinion, which influenced his recommendations, was that the withdrawal of those forces would result in the collapse both of the Afghan military and eventually the Afghan government.
McKenzie also admitted that he spoke to Biden about the recommendation of Gen. Scott Miller (commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan), during the meeting. Forces Afghanistan, July 2006, McKenzie acknowledged that he spoke to Biden directly about the recommendation by Gen. Scott Miller, the commander of U.S. forces. Miller described this in closed testimony last week.
McKenzie stated that I was there when the discussion took place and that I believe the president heard all of the recommendations and listened very carefully to them.
McKenzie's comments directly contradict Bidens Aug. 19 interview with ABCs George Stephanopoulos in which he stated that no one had ever advised him to maintain a force of approximately 2,500 troops in Afghanistan.
Stephanopoulos asked Biden a question: "So no one told you that your military advisors didn't tell you, "No. We should just keep 2,500 soldiers." This has been a stable environment for several years. That is possible. "We can keep doing that."
Biden answered: No. Biden answered: No.
Inhofe asked Gen. Mark Milley (chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) if he supported the recommendation of leaving 2,500 troops on ground during Tuesday's hearing. Milley replied affirmatively.
Senator Dan Sullivan (R. Alaska) tried to pin Milley on August's remarks. He repeatedly asked the general if the comments were false.
Milley refused to answer directly, saying that he was not going to characterize the statement of the president.
Sullivan then grilled McKenzie over the accuracy of the president's statement. He stressed that the general doesn't have a duty as a cover for the president if he isn’t telling the truth.
McKenzie declined to criticize President Obama, stating only that I have given my opinion and judgement.
Later, Senator Tom Cotton (R.Ark.), asked Milley if he should have resigned when the president decided to fully withdraw from Afghanistan against the advice of generals. Milley asked Milley if Milley should have resigned after the president decided against the advice of the generals to withdraw completely from Afghanistan.
Milley claimed that protesting would have been a political act and that the president is not required to follow his military advice. Milley stated that it would be a remarkable act of political defiance to compel an officer to resign simply because I have not followed up on my advice. This country does not want generals making decisions about what orders we will accept or refuse to do. This is not our job.
Milley said that his decision was also influenced by his father's experience at Iwo Jima.
Milley stated that [my father] did not have the option to resign. Milley stated that the children at Abbey Gate don't have the option to resign. He was referring to the 13 American servicemen who were killed in the August evacuation from Kabul when an ISIS K suicide bomber set off an explosive vest. They won't accept my resignation so I won't. It's impossible.