Medigap Plan A is one of the 10 Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans. Medigap helps with coinsurance, copayments, and deductibles not covered by Medicare Part A or Part B. Also known as Original Medicare.
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How it works
Medigap Plan G is a supplement to Medicare's approved portion of medical expenses. Medigap coverage is private insurance and must be paid separately. It is standardized across all 50 states, except Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.
Medigap Plan F no longer is available for new applicants. Medigap PlanG is one of the most comprehensive Medicare Supplement plans. Here's what Medigap plan G covers and does not cover, according to Medicare.gov.
Medigap Plan G covers:
Part A deductible
After Medicare benefits have ended, Part A coinsurance and hospital costs can be paid up to 365 calendar days.
Part A hospice care coinsurance/copayment
Part B copayment or coinsurance
Coinsurance for skilled nursing facility care
Transfusion of blood (first three pints).
When you travel outside the U.S., emergency health care is available for the first 60 days.
Medigap Plan G doesnt cover:
Part B is deductible
Long-term care.
Private-duty nursing.
Dental care.
Vision care.
Prescription drugs are only available to plans that were purchased prior to Jan. 1, 2006. Prescription coverage can be obtained through Medicare Part D plans
Medigap Costs G
Medigap Plan G coverage has been privatized and is regulated by California. Prices vary based on age, location, and tobacco use. The plan prices for a 65-year-old nonsmoker range from $120 to $284 per month in 2021 (one representative California ZIP code 92589).
Some states offer a high-deductible plan G with a 2021 maximum deductible of $2370. Monthly premiums for the same 65 year-old non-smoker in ZIP 92889 range from $30 to $68.
Your best time to purchase Medigap Plan G is during the Medigap Open Entry Period. This period lasts six months and begins once you have Medicare Part A. Medigap policies are only available for one person regardless of marital status.
Medicare.gov can help you find out how much Medigap Plan A costs in your area.
When it comes to Medicare benefits, there are many options and types. According to Medicare.org (a non-government source for information about health care), 81% of the 64 million Americans who have traditional Medicare benefits use Medicare supplement insurance.
For questions regarding Medicare, visit Medicare.gov. Or call 800-633-44227 (TTY: 1-877-486-2048).
Jason Jenkins writes for NerdWallet. Email: wpguestuser+jjenkins@nerdwallet.com.
The article What is Medigap Plan? NerdWallet originally published What You Need To Know.