R. Kelly was found guilty of all charges in the federal sex crime trial. He could now face life imprisonment.
On Friday afternoon, the jury began deliberating and had the weekend off. It took the jury about half of Monday to reach its verdict on nine federal charges...including racketeering and sex crime, obstruction of justice, kidnapping, and human trafficking.
The trial ended just over a month after its beginning... the prosecution calling more witnesses than defense. Kelly's team called only five witnesses in a matter of days. Kelly never testified.
Kelly was sentenced to 10 years to life after he was convicted of all charges. He's still eligible to participate in a second federal trial in Chicago and state trials in Illinois, Minnesota, and Minnesota.
Monday's verdict at Brooklyn federal court comes two years after Kelly was arrested in Chicago in connection with multiple federal sex offenses in 2 states.
Kelly's legal team summoned a few ex-Kelly employees to testify against the allegations that Kelly had sexually abused girls, women, and boys.
Kelly's most ardent defenders claimed that they had never seen Kelly abuse anyone. Some defense witnesses even said that Kelly was actually "chivalrous" towards his GFs.
However, the prosecution called many witnesses to the witness stand to discredit defense testimony and poke holes in it all. Some witnesses to the prosecution said Kelly had a small group of bodyguards, managers and assistants that rounded up potential victims before Kelly began grooming them for unwanted sex.
Witnesses also stated that Kelly's entourage would seek out potential victims at his concerts, malls, and fast-food restaurants.