In 2007, Puritan Medical Products workers at their Guilford, Maine plant. Carl D. Walsh/Portland Portland Press Herald via Getty Images
Police said that a woman was arrested for making two false bomb threats against her boyfriend's workplace.
According to the Portland Press Herald, it was done so that she could spend more quality time with him.
He was forced to leave the manufacturing plant where he worked, causing the company to lose a day's worth work.
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According to the Portland Press Herald, a Maine woman was arrested for making bomb threats against her boyfriend's workplace in order to spend more time with him.
According to police, Kayla Blake (33), made threats against Puritan Medical Products on Thursday.
According to the Press Herald: Pittsfield Police Chief Harold Bickmore stated that there were two threats to the plant. One was at 9 a.m. when a woman called Maine State Police to say she was planning to set off a bomb. The second was two hours later when she said she would put four bombs in the vicinity of the plant.
Bickmore stated that the police traced the call back to Etna, where Blake resides, and then interviewed people in the area.
The Press Herald reported that Blake confessed to her guilt and claimed she didn't own any bombs.
Blake was arrested on a felony charge of terrorizing. She was taken to Somerset County Jail where she was released on bail at $1,500.
Puritan Medical Products manufactures medical products such as swabs for COVID-19 testing.
According to a company official, the two Pittsfield plants had to be evacuated and closed down, which resulted in the company losing a day of manufacturing.
Insider has the original article.