Gizmodo was contacted by Ben Garrison, a right-wing cartoonist who is known for his anti-vaccine views and his highly flattering drawings about former President Donald Trump. He said that he had contracted covid-19 and that he has been sick for two weeks. Garrison's opinion on modern medical science has not changed despite the fact that he may have contracted covid.
Garrison, a Montana resident, believes that he contracted covid-19 from eating out in a Montana restaurant a few weeks back. In Montana, there has been a worrying rise in coronavirus infections in recent weeks. There are approximately 900 new cases every day.
Yes, it is definitely Covid. We have all the symptoms. My wife and I went out to dinner with a couple and were all sick the next day. Garrison shared the shocking news via email that one of us had been diagnosed with Covid. Garrison was banned from Twitter after she supported the insurrection at U.S. Capitol on Jan 6.
Garrison said that he was taking Ivermectin, as well as other vitamins, including lots of Zinc. Garrison also mentions that he is drinking beet root juice. This has not been shown to prevent or treat covid-19. Monoclonal antibodies as well as vaccines are the only effective ways to combat this pandemic that is still in many parts the world.
Garrison promoted ivermectin through his cartoons. The illustration above shows a horse kicking Dr. Anthony Fauci (the nation's top infectious disease expert). As the cartoon horse shouts "Get some horse sense!" and kicks Dr. Fauci with a needle with dollar signs, it appears that he has a cent symbol on his hooves.
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It has not been proven that ivermectin can be used to treat covid-19. Although ivermectin has been studied in covid-19 research, there are many allegations of fraud, errors, oversights, and poor data. The drug can be used safely and is effective as an antiparasitic when taken in the right doses. It is used to treat parasites in horses and livestock. Some people have mistakenly believed that the livestock version of the drug could cure or prevent covid-19. This has led to the association of ivermectins with horses. Garrison clearly refers to this in his latest cartoon.
According to the American Association of Poison Control Centers, there have been 1,440 cases of ivermectin poisoning this year. This is more than three times as many as in 2019 and 2020. The New York Times reported Sunday, that two New Mexicans died from ivermectin poisoning. Their deaths were being attributed to the non-proven covid-19 treatment. One of the patients suffered from kidney failure, according to state health officials.
Gizmodo was told by Garrison that Garrison and his wife aren't feeling well. He also said that he has lost all senses of smell and taste. Garrison believes that his wife and he are trying to overcome the disease as they are in their mid-60s.
Tina and me both feel slightly better after the two-week period, but it was still difficult. I lost my sense of taste and smell, as well as the desire to eat any type of food. As a result, I lost 15 pounds. Garrison said that younger people bounce back faster than older people, but they were in their mid-60s.
Gizmodo asked Garrison if he had been vaccinated against Covid-19. He repeated many conspiracy theories that are in his cartoons.
They are not safe or effective and we will never use them. They are not vaccines. In an email to Gizmodo, Garrison stated that they are gene therapy.
Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson have approved the use of various covid-19 vaccinations in the United States. They have been proven safe and effective.
Covid vaccines have caused the deaths of 15,000 people and many thousands more have suffered serious side effects. This is what the mainstream media won't mention. Instead, we are bombarded with safe and effective malarky and government pushers encouraging us to take the free poison. Dont do it. Pfizer CEO Will Not. Garrison stated that Bill Gates and his family will not, too.
Side effects such as death from the covid-19 vaccines are rare. Americans are more likely to die due to covid-19 than they are from vaccines. Garrison's claim that Pfizer CEO Will not be vaccinated is untrue. Bill Gates was also vaccinated against covid-19 despite conspiracy theorists saying he will not, due to fears of side effects.
Garrison claims he has never been to a hospital for covid-19. (NBC News reported last week that anti-vaccine Facebook groups had been encouraging members not to seek hospital treatment for covid-19, and even instructing them to take their sick relatives out of ICU.
Covid would make me nauseous. Robert David Steele did it just a few weeks back and they killed him. Garrison stated in an email to Gizmodo that the hospitals receive extra money for Covid deaths reports. This is necessary to keep fear rampant.
Garrison refers to Robert David Steele who was a conspiracy theorist and often appeared on InfoWars alongside Alex Jones. Steele, a 69-year old, believed many bizarre things. He claimed that NASA had placed children on Mars in prison to be used as slaves. Steele, who claimed that he was a former CIA officer died in August from covid-19.
Garrison claims that the whole covid-19 pandemic response to the epidemic is about government control and not public health, a common mantra among covid hoaxers. He repeated his false claim, "Vaccines don't prevent covid-19," ad nauseam. Garrison said that this is about vaccine passports and tracking, government control, and tyranny.
The U.S. currently has over 119,000 new cases per day and more than 2,000 deaths. The disease will likely continue to circulate throughout the winter, even though 55.9% are fully vaccinated.