Apple has added guided meditations and Pilates to Apple Fitness+. This expands the range of workout options on the service, ahead of an expansion of 15+ countries later in the year.
Apple revealed that it will be expanding Fitness+ with guided meditations at its last Apple event. The new workout builds on the existing Mindful Cooldowns workout and allows Fitness+ users "reduce daily stress, develop greater awareness, and build resilience for life's challenges." There will be guided meditations sessions that last between 10 and 20 minutes.
Today Fitness+ added Pilates to its lineup. This low-impact workout focuses on flexibility and strength. Marimba Gold-Watts, a professional in fitness, will lead and guide the Pilates sessions. Fitness+ has a new guide called "Workouts for Snow Season", which offers workouts that will improve the performance of skiers and snowboarders ahead of winter.
Apple Fitness+ will expand to 15 countries later in the fall. These include Brazil, Colombia and France, Germany. Later this year, Fitness+ will be adding group workouts powered via SharePlay.