Although flight attendant duties are not changing, United Airlines now has flight attendants concerned about unreasonable passenger expectations regarding cleanliness in lavatories.
United Airlines Flight Attendants Worried About New Lavatory Cleaning Duties
United has sent a memo to all flight attendants, reviewed by Live and Lets Fly. It notes that a new announcement in-flight will address the cleanliness of lavatories aboard.
We clean the toilets often, but please let us know if there is a problem.
United also offers a new cleaning kit that includes:
Metal tongs for collecting trash from lavatory floors
Use a handheld broom or a dustpan to clean up glass, debris and other refuse
Customer satisfaction is measured by the number of clean lavatories at United Points
Customer satisfaction is directly related to cabin cleanliness. Your cabin cleanliness is directly related to the work you do during flight. We want you to have all the tools you need.
To ensure that supplies are replenished and lavatories look presentable, flight attendants are to inspect lavatories once every 30 minutes. According to the memo:
Customers and flight attendants will appreciate the cleanliness of the lavatories. Make sure that one of the 30-minute tidying check is done after each meal, during crew rest breaks, and before departure.
Many flight attendants are frustrated and concerned by the new onboard announcements and the tidying kit. The contract limits the duties of flight attendants in lavatory.
Remove any standing water from the counter
Stocking of supplies
Taking out any paper towels that are not in use
Make sure the trash bag is securely closed
The Association of Flight Attendants (AFA) represents United flight attendants and told its members:
Cleaning is not the same as wiping up liquids on the floor or disinfecting door handles and buttons.
The AFA has been resisting the announcement and expressing concern that it will create unrealistic expectations.
If a passenger tells a Flight Attendant about a lavatory that needs attention, and that intervention is beyond our normal duties, it could lead to an unrealistic expectation that Flight Attendants will clean the toilet. This could even lead to a false perception that Flight Attendants didn't address the problem.
United has issued instructions to flight attendants that they will remove any lavatory that reaches a stage beyond their duties.
The United memo was dated 08/09/2009. I have flown United many times since then but have never heard the new onboard announcement.
United Airlines flight attendants don't like a new cabin announcement that suggests they are responsible to clean the lavatories. Their labor agreement states that they only have limited cleaning duties. It is another matter whether a flight attendant cleans the lavatory.
Remember that even if you see a filthy lavatory on United flights, it is not always to be blamed. This is yet another reminder that we all need to clean up after our fellow passengers.