Cowboy Bebops Tank! is one of the most beloved anime openings. While the stylized silhouetted animation has been parodied for decades, it is the rhythmic, hypnotic brass of Yoko Kanno's and the Seatbelts song of a theme that have convinced weebs that jazz is their favorite genre in all those years.
Today's Netflix Tudum event gave us a glimpse of Andr Nemec's live-action Cowboy Bebop. We were able to see John Chos Spike Spiegel, his friends, and their spaceships, but we weren't able to see them. Instead, we saw the title sequence, which Netflix will continue to ask you questions about. That song is a perfect tribute to the original.
It is well worth the attention to see the new opening animation, as well as the glimpses of the series. But what we really came here for was more music by Yoko Kanno, one of the most influential anime composers of all time. Kannos' work on the original Bebop is well-known, but her back catalogue contains some truly remarkable pieces, including the haunting rhythmic electronica of Ghost in the Shell, Standalone Complex, and the epics of Macross Plus. There are also the exquisite choral work, and the incredible Turn A Gundam soundtrack's soaring strings and ethereal choir. It's great to have Kanno material in this version of Bebop. But it's even more special that the show's cast and crew have re-iterated that the new material is about keeping the original spirit alive, not just remaking what was before.
Cowboy Bebop also stars Mustafa Shakir in Jet Black, Daniella Pinda in Faye Valentine and at most Two Very Good Boys (Ein) when it arrives on Netflix on November 19. 3, 2, 1,...
Correction 9/25/2021 at 2:45 p.m. ET: An earlier version of this post misrepresented the Bebop theme. It hasn't.
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