Twitter wants to hear your thoughts on two potential new features that would allow users to control the tone and quality their replies. Paula Barcante shared Filter and Limit as a Twitter design feature. They would allow users to hide harmful or offensive replies, or stop repeat offenders from responding.
Based on Barcante's concept images, Twitter will detect if you have received any harmful replies and prompt you to enable Filter or Limit. Barcante writes that Filter will prevent potentially harmful responses to your tweets from being shown to anyone. Accounts with a history in offensive, repetitive, or uninvited tweets will be blocked from replying if Limit is enabled.
Twitter's Filter and Limit options are clearly stated in their concept. Filtered tweets still show up for the person who replied, but with additional text that states: This reply is visible only to you. Accounts with Limit enabled would see a warning that the Reply limit has been reached and a link to find out more.
This entirely hypothetical process is automatic, so it's bound to be inaccurate at times. Barcante mentions that Twitter may allow users to review tweets caught in one of its features nets in the event that they disagree with Twitter's decision or wish to make changes.
Twitter's latest features include Limit and Filter. They are definitely more useful than Fleets (RIP) in terms of features. It is easy to see how enabling these settings could help prevent racist abuses that users are exposed to on Twitter. Twitter also explored other ways to improve user experience. For example, they added the ability to hide old Tweets and select who will see your tweet before it is sent.
These all sound great, just like many of Twitter's experiments. Now they need to be implemented. Barcante did not give a time frame.