Halloween, oh my! Halloween is a time for ghosts. Ghouls are welcome! It's time to take a look at io9’s annual list, which includes the most bizarre, dubious and awful costumes for the season.
The thing that sets 2021's costumes apart is the fact that their designers didn't give a damn about them. What youll see here are some of the laziest-designed, least imaginative, cheapest-looking outfits you can overpay for, and there are so many available that we had to limit our list to solely nerd entertainment-inspired costumes (and I mean inspired incredibly loosely). Although I don't know if the company's creativity was hampered by the pandemic, Beth Elderkin (ex-staffer, Beth, we miss your!) put together this list. I was really sick of Halloween.
We are not condemning inappropriate costumes. You can expose as much flesh at your pandemic-safe Halloween parties! Wear something more than these nightmares.