Mexican television host, who was once in a race to marry Tom Brady of Tampa Bay Buccaneers fame, is being accused of financial embezzlement. She is currently on the run from authorities back home.
According to Animal Politico, the Mexican attorney general requested Interpol to issue an International Arrest Warrant against the host, Ines Gumez Mont and Victor Manuel Alvarez Puga. The pair are accused of embezzling almost $146 million (or 3 billion pesos) from Mexico's Ministry of the Interior. According to the report, they have since been freed.
Brady rejected Mont when she was covering the 2008 Super Bowl. While in a wedding gown, the television host approached Brady during a packed press conference and was quickly denied.
Mont stated in a Sept. 11 social media post that she didn't know about the arrest warrant before it was issued, and denied any embezzlement allegations against her or her husband.
According to TVNotas, the couple was first accused of financial fraud in 2016 and 2017. They were able escape Mexico shortly before an arrest warrant was issued for them on September 10.
Mexican authorities consider the couple fugitives. They suggest that they have been living in Mexico for several months. There are unconfirmed reports that the couple may be hiding in the United States. However, their location is still unknown. Mexican media outlets reported that the couple has family homes in the U.S.
Clase reports that Puga has connections to a few small businesses that support social causes like fighting poverty in Mexico and food scarcity.
Mont and Puga could be sentenced to 20-60 years imprisonment if they are convicted of money laundering or operations with resources illicitly obtained and embezzlement.
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Super Bowl XLII was lost by Brady's New England Patriots to the New York Giants. Since then, the quarterback has moved to Tampa Bay to manage the team. He led the Patriots to six Super Bowl titles and won his seventh with Tampa Bay.
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Tags: News, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Tom Brady, Mexico, Reporter, NFL
Original Author: Kaelan deese
Original Location: Mexican TV Star who proposed to Tom Brady while on the run from $146M alleged embezzlement