Lasers can be tasted.
Prototype Replicator
Columbia University scientists created a robot chef that 3D prints and cooks chicken breast cutlets using powerful lasers.
According to research published in the journal NPJ Science of Food, lasers can achieve incredible heating and cooking precision. Ars Technica was told by the researchers that their work would be crucial in 3D printing meals. These meals aren't suitable for traditional cooking methods.
We noted that, while printers can produce ingredients to a millimeter-precision, there is no heating method with this same degree of resolution, study coauthor and Columbia mechanical engineer Jonathan Blutinger told Ars.
Making Sausage
It is important to note that the robotic chef did not solve the problem with lab-grown food. The Columbia scientists, unlike other researchers trying to make realistic cuts of fully-synthesized meats from scratch, simply purchased chicken from the grocery store and then pureed it. It was delicious!
According to Ars, the resulting chicken cutlet was still more moist and shrinkage-resistant than traditional cuts. Researchers also discovered that different lasers are better for different purposes. Blue lasers are best for internal cooking, while infrared and infrared lasers do a better job browning the surface of the cutlet even with a layer or packaging.
The authors noted in their paper that millimeter-scale precision allowed them to print and cook burgers with a degree of doneness that ranges from rare to well, in a checkerboard, gradient or other custom pattern. The laser heat can brown and cook foods in sealed packages. This could increase shelf life and reduce microbial contamination. It is a great commercial application for packaged meals to go at the grocery store.
Taste Test
The laser-cooked chicken won the unanimous vote in a small taste-test with only two people. Ars points out that this is despite one taster picking up a metallic taste from laser cooking.
According to Ars, the tester said that he had ever been to the dentist to get fillings done. The laser is used to seal the fillings. You get a distinct industry smell, which you don't get with regular chicken.
READ MORE: Engineers have figured out how 3D-printed chicken can be cooked with lasers [ArsTechnica]
Learn more about 3D-printed food: People are tricked into eating less by 3D printing food in certain shapes
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