Star Wars films have been retold in Shakespearean style. It's time for Homer, the great Greek poet, to take the stage. Professor Jack Mitchell took the events of Rogue One through Return of the Jedi, and retold them using epic poetry of antiquity like The Odyssey, The Aeneid and Beowolf. This is the way Star Wars would have appeared in the 750 BCE.
It is likely that you have heard of George Lucas's use of Joseph Campbells research into heroic myths to create Star Wars. The Homer works are undoubtedly the most important and influential heroic tales in Western culture. This adaptation is very appropriate and I am a classics major. Also, the book illustrations are in the style ancient Greek pottery. You can pre-order The Odyssey of Star Wars here. It will be available next Wednesday, September 28. You can still read this excerpt from the book. In it, Luke faces Darth Vader on Bespin.
Luke walks along the narrow scaffolding;
Below is the wide reactor shaft.
A yawning pit is beyond the reach of our eyes.
He strides through a doorway, he is inside
Vader, with his ruthless swordsmanship awaits.
Loose is the best galaxy in general.
Unrestrained and remorseless, the boy walked upon him.
His saber thrusts are precise and his slashes quick
Cut the doorway and rail beyond
To bits, his power is greater than Lukes's.
The mask and the shadow towering above
Step by step, the boy is being beaten backwards.
Too late, he recalls the wise Yodas words
They advised prudence and warned of the danger.
Of facing Vader unprepared. He falls
His foes' red sword is thrown backwards upon his path
The chasm below his throat is visible.
Darth Vader also warned him about his doom.
You are now beaten. I was also beaten.
By Obi-Wans, bright blade: Mustafar
The mask was worn before I became a woman. But in the darkness
I won my victory. Obi-Wan was slain.
Who wouldn't want to be made a fool?
Do not follow the path of futility.
Theres no escape. Accept my life.
Luke answered through his bruised and swollen eyelids
He looks for his chance and grabs it with a whirl
He tries to slash the shoulder,
Who was quick to recover and did a great sweep?
You can cleave through the jutting sensory array
The crimson blade then slides between them
Neath Lukes spins his wrist: The fiery edge
Severs Luke's hand, which is sent with his sword
Into oblivion. Luke grasps the opportunity with a cry
His empty limb retreats to the tip.
The summit above the precipice
A lonely and broken figure, whipped with wind.
Darth Vaders' voice was heard again.
Luke, you don't realize how important you are.
Your power is still in its infancy. Get with me.
Whom you might equal, who you may surpass
I will finish what Obi-Wan started.
We can all end the age war together.
Bring order to an incoherent galaxy.
Why would you not want to join? You don't know the power
A life lived beyond the fear of death.
Do not let the Jedi prejudice your soul
For ambition, which aligns with the wise
Other than the Force itself. What do I know?
No one knew the Jedi more than I did: I was one.
Yes, I was the best. Did Obi-Wan
Do not tell your fathers fate?
So Vader spoke, but Luke replied in pain
Anakin, and not you, was my favorite.
Even better, he was good.
Ben and other people told me that you were destroyed
The prince of pilots, prince among duelists
Mustafar is tricked by some foul tricks.
O father, if your dying voice can reach you,
To death, the hidden kingdoms of the Force
Perhaps your steady soul is there.
You will see that I die fighting for my revenge!
Luke responded, but Vader laughed and said:
O Skywalker son, you have been deceived.
You father did not die on Mustafar.
He has granted your wish: he has listened to your prayers.
Anakin the Just, I am your father.
Deaths conqueror, Enlightened by the darkness
Jedis are a curse, but mighty in the Force
Whose baby son Kenobi was taken away?
You doubt me? You doubt me?
Luke then, as one who rises in night
Half-forgotten visions, dampened with sweat
Suicide is the only way to make it worse.
Luke saw himself in his own home
The truth is as terrible as it is stark.
He couldn't face it, but he could not deny.
His staring eyes were filled with tears of despair and black despair.
His mouth is turned and his face is white.
His throat swallows the contradiction.
Excerpt taken from Jack Mitchell's new book The Odyssey of Star Wars - An Epic Poem published by Abrams Image. Copyright and TM 2021 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Jack Mitchell's The Odyssey of Star Wars: An Epic Poem will be published September 28th. You can pre-order your copy here.
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