Delivery workers in New York are not hindered by snow, rain, heat, or gloomy night. Now, they're getting help from the city.
Six bills were passed by the New York City Council on Thursday to improve working conditions and pay for delivery workers at companies such as GrubHub or DoorDash. According to the New York Times, Bill DeBlasio, New York City Mayor, supports the bills.
Workers must be paid at least once per week according to the bills. Companies are also prohibited from charging couriers fees for delivery equipment, such as insulated bags, and prohibit them from paying workers for the right to get paid.
They require that delivery workers be allowed to use the bathroom and that workers can set limits for when and where they deliver. Apps will have to make it clearer who actually gets the tip money from customers. A study is also required to determine a minimum wage for delivery workers.
Gig worker activists who collaborated with legislators on the bills supported their passage by tweeting in support.
Although lawsuits are ongoing in several states over some of these practices, these laws are unique and could be a benchmark for gig workers as well as companies that rely on them.