Deadspin has written many times about Derrick Henry, the dominant Tennessee Titans' halfback in high school. He was a football boogeyman that coaches would tell their players as a frightening story around the campfire. Every week, he put up video game statistics. It would take a while before anybody in Florida could match Henry's achievements, like his 502 yard single-game rush record. We only had to wait less than a decade and it was done by one player.
Kayleb Wagner plays halfback at Baker High School in Florida. Wagner led his team to victory over South Walton. He recorded 535 rushing yards and six touchdowns on 25 carries. In one game, this man ran the distance of five football fields. This contest was out of control early according to logic. What other way could one player be so dominant? Although you might think South Walton was beaten by Baker High School, the final score was 49-48. This makes sense. If it's close, you would want to keep your best players in the game for the entire time. You also want to feed them as many times as possible. Matt Brunson, Bakers head coach, needed to feed Wagner as often as possible.
Wagner was able to do this feat with one hand, which is an amazing feat. It would be expected that someone breaking Derrick Henrys record would run like Derrick Henry. Wagner is a completely different animal. Wagner can't allow his off-hand to force stiff arm defenders into dirt. Wagner needs to be more subtle in how he leaves his adversaries behind. Wagner appears to be more reliant on his elusiveness and speed than Henry, who would smash through oppositional defenses using strength and size as his greatest competitive advantage. Take a look at the game film of his 535-yard performance.
Wagner never bulldozes through a defender. Wagner simply looks for holes in the defense and then bursts onto the open field at a speed that no one can match. He is a skilled ball carrier and his vision is unmatched. Compare that with Derrick Henry's high school tape...
Henry tackles the last defender on his first tape before running in for the touchdown. There are many other highlights reel runs where Henry shrugs off every tackler like he's nothing. Henry and Wagner have very different style.
Henry was a great sport about Henry's record breaking feat, and even reached out to Wagner via Instagram to congratulate his achievement.
Wagner said that we went back and forth for five minutes. He congratulated and promised to send me his game gloves and cleats. It was amazing. It was then that it hit me that I had the record.
Wagner, who ran for 267 yards on four runs in his 49-13 win over Bayou Christian, could have broken the state record one week earlier. His average speed of 66.8 yards per carry was averaging 267 yards. Brunson decided to let his star player go for the second half, as his team was up by more than 40 points at the break.
Wagner, who broke the record, attributed all his success to his offensive lines, proving Wagner to be a solid man. Wagner is a legend that I am drawn to. He isn't the only player to be able to defeat opponents without using one hand. His genetic condition, amniotic bands syndrome, which he shares with Shaquem Griffin, a Miami Dolphins linebacker and fellow Florida high school product is actually something that he has. Wagner doesn't consider the absence of a left-hand a handicap.
He said it because that is what I've known all my life.
He is a man who does not make excuses, and who sets goals for himself that are unattainable by others. He is determined to improve himself and make sure that everyone around him gets the credit that they deserve. It's hard not to root for him, and I can't wait until he gets to the next level.