Nancy Pelosi criticised Republicans for voting against a bill that would have prevented a shutdown of the government on Thursday.
Pelosi stated that the former president was well-known for not paying his bills. They want to do it again.
Trump has a history in which he has not paid his bills during his personal life as well as his campaigns.
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On Thursday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a dig at President Donald Trump during a weekly press conference. She criticized Republicans for not supporting a measure to prevent a government shutdown.
Pelosi said, "You know, the ex-president was well-known for not paying his bills." They want to do it again. But we can't let them and our economy be jeopardized.
"Why is it that Democrats should always be there to help a Republican president?" Pelosi asked the question during the press conference. "And we're going to the rescue not of the president, but of our economy."
The House approved Tuesday's bill to keep the government open, suspend the country’s debt limit to December and to preserve the budget. It also included almost $35 billion in disaster assistance to and relocation funds for Afghan refugees who helped US forces in the recent war in Afghanistan. The bill was passed by a party-line vote, but it is likely to be blocked by the Senate.
Pelosi used the analogy of Republican funding policies to refer to the well-known record of the former President, one-time real-estate developer, failing to pay vendors and contractors for their services.
This behavior was often transferred to Trump's campaign. There were millions of dollars worth of unpaid bills from local police for events such as political rallies. After a 2019 Trump campaign event, Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller sent Mar-a-Lago a $211,000 bill. This caused "tremendous" expenses to the city.
The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow), April 22, 2021