As a form punishment, the Taliban will bring back executions as well as the amputations of hands.
According to the Associated Press, the group's former justice Minister said that the actions were "necessary."
Executions and amputations took place at Kabul's stadium during the Taliban's last reign.
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Mullah Nooruddin Turkabi, one of the founders of Taliban militant group, said that the Taliban would bring back executions and the amputations of hands as a form punishment. This was according to an interview published by the Associated Press on Thursday.
Although the grisly reprisals will not always be in public, Turabi warned the world to avoid interference with Afghanistan's new government force.
Turabi said that while everyone criticized us for our punishments in the stadium we had never spoken about their laws or punishments. "No one can tell us what our laws should look like. We will follow Islam, and we will base our laws on the Quran."
According to the report, Turabi was the enforcer of Taliban's brutal interpretations of Islamic law. He also served as the justice minister for their 1996-2001 regime.
According to the report, executions and amputations took place at Kabul's stadium, sometimes in front crowds. Turabi claimed that the Taliban considered amputations to be deterrent.
He said, "Cutting off hands is very important for security."
In August, the Taliban took back control of Afghanistan for the first time since 2001. After quickly capturing major cities, the militant Islamists marched into Kabul. Sometimes they won't fight back.
In 2001, the US invaded Afghanistan and shook the Taliban out of power. The US withdrawal in Afghanistan allowed the Taliban to regain its position as the dominant force in Afghanistan.
Initial efforts by the Taliban to portray itself as more moderate and changed than its past behavior were to be successful. It pledged that it would not retaliate against anyone who helped the US and promised to create an inclusive government.
The Taliban started to crack down violently on protests against their rule not long after, and the UN accused it of violating its promises. The Taliban established an interim government that does not include women but includes people on the UN sanctions lists. Sirajuddin Haqqani is an FBI-designated terrorist and is currently wanted by the FBI.
International concern has been expressed about the effects of Taliban rule on Afghan girls and women. The Taliban banned women from attending school or going out in public without a male chaperone. Women who broke the Taliban's strict rules were subject to violent retaliation.
The Taliban had announced earlier this month that Afghan universities would be segregated according to gender, and that a new dress code would be in place. A ministry that was focused on women's affairs was also closed by the Taliban as they reacted violently to protests by women.
Human Rights Watch reported on Thursday that the Taliban had instilled fear in girls and women by searching for high-profile women, denying them freedom of movement and imposing dress codes on women. They also severely restricted access to education and employment.
This week, the Taliban requested to speak before United Nations General Assembly. The Taliban-led government has not been recognized by any country.