Chick-Fil-A was removed from the list of restaurants that were proposed for Kansas City's airport terminal.
This news comes just a few days after the LGBTQ commission of the city urged the city council.
Chick-Fil A has donated previously to charities that oppose LGBTQ rights.
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After opposition from the city's LGBTQ commission, plans to open a Chickfil-A shop at the upcoming wing Kansas City International Airport were canceled. Local news stations KSHB, KCUR and KSHB first reported about it.
On Monday, the city's LGBTQ commission wrote to Kansas City Council asking them not to open Chick-Fil A restaurants in the new airport wings. The company's connections to groups opposed to LGBTQ rights were cited.
Vantage Airport Group was the recommended company by the city's aviation authority for the upcoming terminal. A spokesperson for Vantage said Fox News that Chick-Fil-A had been removed from the list of restaurants it proposed to use "to promote an inclusive atmosphere."
"We listened to and respected the strong community reaction regarding the Chick-Fil-A participation. Collectively, we have decided to eliminate this brand from the concessions plan for KCI's new terminal. Fox News reported that Vantage aims to create an inclusive environment at all its airports."
Insider reached out to Chick-Fil A and Vantage for comments, but did not receive an immediate response.
Chick-fil-A has been criticized for its past donations. Insider's Kate Taylor reported that Chick-fil-A had made significant donations prior to 2012 to Christian and socially conservative organizations known for opposing LGBTQ rights via its WinShape Foundation.
The company stated that it would end most donations in 2012 after Dan Cathy, now-CEO, said he was against homosexual marriage.
It was still under pressure by activists to make donations to other charities, such as the Salvation Army or Fellowship of Christian Athletes, over the years. Both have been criticised for their opposition to same-sex marriage.
Chick-Fil-A announced in November 2019 that it would also reduce donations to these charities.
In July, Cathy, the CEO of NCF, was under new scrutiny for personal donations to National Christian Charitable Foundation. According to The Daily Beast, the NCF was funding organizations that oppose the Equality Act legislation which would make it illegal for LGBTQ people to discriminate.
Insider's Kate Taylor reported at the time that the company had not donated to NCF for more than a decade. Chick-Fil A declined to comment on the report about Cathy.