Prototypes of the U.S. Space Force's service uniforms have been released by the U.S. Space Force for its Guardians.
Social media reactions revealed that uniforms are fashionistas for us space geeks. The uniforms are familiar, but they do have a familiar look.
Who wore it better ( gauche, le prototype d'uniforme de la Space force lance par Trump, droite, l'amiral Bill Adama dans Battlestar Galactica) pic.twitter.com/qmE2ptvc4F Philippe Berry (@ptiberry) September 21, 2021
According to Gen. John Raymond, Space Forces Chief for Space Operations, the uniforms were revealed at a Maryland conference this week. They feature a dark navy jacket, grey pants, and six buttons. This symbolises the Space Force as the sixth branch of U.S. Military.
The jacket's high collar and angled row buttons hint at Battlestar Galactica. The Space Force uniforms feature the Forces logo. It looks very similar to the Starfleet emblem.
General John Raymond, chief of space operations stands between two Space Force Guardians while the branch unveils prototypes to its new service uniforms. Credit: Air Force Association
Lt. Col. Alison Gonzalez (Space Force deputy chief strategy) was one of the Guardians that modeled the new uniform. Millitary.com's Gonzalez said she tested the uniforms and made sure they were appropriate for women.
The fit of your pants may need some work.
Many people on Twitter had ideas:
just go with this one and be done with it pic.twitter.com/FYM5LgAzyF Clark Oliver (@TK9582) September 21, 2021
This video by BSG will get you on board with the new uniform design if you aren't quite sold.
The US Space Force has unveiled their new motto and logo. Image credit: US Space Force