The European Commission wants one charging port that can be used by all smartphones. It's not Apple Lightning.
According to Reuters, the EC submitted a proposal Thursday that would require all manufacturers to use USB C as the charging port for smartphones and tablets. The proposal stipulates that all chargers will be sold separately.
The EU believes that the move will have huge environmental benefits and that 250 million euros ($293 millions) annually in savings for EU users.
Consumers in Europe were already frustrated by the incompatible chargers that were piling up in their drawers for too long. The industry had plenty of time to find their solutions. Now is the time for legislation for a common charger. Margrethe Vestager (Executive Vice President for a Europe Fit for the Digital Age) stated in a statement.
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Although the proposal doesn't seem to be a major deal for most manufacturers who have switched to USB-C largely anyways, it is significant for Apple, whose iPhones still use the company's Lightning port. Apple has been shifting towards USB-C in recent years on some other devices, most recently on the iPad mini, but its most important product, iPhone, has not.
The company was not happy with the news, as it is obvious. Apple stated in a statement that it was concerned about the strict regulation that only one type of connector is allowed. This will hinder innovation and not encourage it.
If the proposal is made law by the European Parliament, which is expected to occur in 2022, companies would be subject to a 24-month transition period.