Happy Hump Day. Sometimes, you just want to get through the week watching a Large Man beat up a whole bunch of other Large Men... for cinema's magic, of course.
This time, the Large Man is Dunes Jason Mumoa. He shared a behind-the scenes video today about his role in House Atreides' loyal soldier, Duncan Idaho. It's short and sweet and focuses less on Idahos character than on Momoa's preparation for the major fight sequences. In the film, Duncan alone faces swaths of men and cuts through their armor and shields with his twin daggers.
It's great to see Momoa training, and then the small snippets of filming actual fights. The cutest thing about it is that Momoa, as he prepares to film one of the big fight scenes in the movie, battling the forces of House Harkonnen in a scene seen throughout the trailers, casually dates the footage by saying that he had just finished watching Game of Thrones' series finale. While we are not left wondering what Khal thinks about the series' end, he gives us a hint that he wasn't too happy that Emilia Clarkes Daenerys Targaryen couldn't escape Momoas grim fate in the end.
Every Khal, no matter if he is on the dunes at Essos and Arrakis. On October 22, Dune will be available in theaters and HBO Max. You can see Momoa live and much more when it hits.
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