According to the Associated Press, the tone at Tuesday's first UN meeting in person since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic was bleak. It took place at the General Assembly in New York.
These were all familiar topics. The topic of conversation was familiar. Climate change is a growing concern, and the availability COVID-19 vaccines is driving rich and poor countries further apart.
It was agreed that we are at a low point of human history, and things could get worse before they get better.
World leaders appear to be in agreement with this prognosis. According to the AP, Chinese President Xi Jinping stated at the gathering that the world is now in a period of transition and new turbulence.
The Costa Rican President Carlos Alvarado Quesada spoke in a similar somber tone. The future is urging us to invest in peace and less military weapons.
Racism in the world was also a hot topic. One resolution proposed at Israel was akin to racism. This led to Israel and the United States walking out.
The US and China's worsening relations were also mentioned. Xi and Joe Biden dangled around the topic, saying that they would cooperate if other countries did the same.
Antnio Guterres, UN secretary general, warned the AP that if the world powers don't fix their dysfunctional relationships, we could start a new Cold War. He said that today, we have only confrontation.
The world is facing unprecedented challenges, and it seems difficult to find cooperation among leaders around the globe. The summit was designed to represent billions of people and many others who face difficult days ahead.
It's no surprise that discussions took a dark turn.
READ MORE: The future raises its voice: A depressing mood at the UN meeting [Associated Press]
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