Deathloop is the current big triple-A title, and it's an incredible experience, provided you don't have to fight your gaming computer to make it run smoothly. Bethesda is aware of the problem and has a patch in place. Digital Foundrys Alex Battaglia, from Digital Foundrys, explains how you can fix it right away. He also demonstrates a strange, counterintuitive trick that made my seemingly stuttery performance seem smooth.
Here's the bottom line.
Obvious: Lower your quality settings
You can reduce your quality settings.
Use the beta hotfix: juliannashotme > Steam > Deathloop> > Properties > Betas Contraintuitive: Set your framerate to 60 or 120 fps
Let's start with the last one because it worked for me. It may also work if your monitor has a variable refresh rate and G-Sync / FreeSync. Go to the Games Video Settings page and turn off V-Sync completely. You can also set your FPS Limiter at 60, or if you have a high enough performance, 120 fps.
Some might ask: Does V-Sync prevent this kind of stutter? This is not the tearing that you feel when frames hit during a refresh or the microstutter that you may have felt when frames are delayed.
Battaglia actually shows that Deathloop can deliver exceptional frame times. However, there is a problem when you turn your digital characters heads at non-standard refresh rate, such as the ones your variable refresh monitor was designed to provide. My GPU could send 80 fps to my GSync monitor in many scenes with near-4K resolution. But, locking it to 60 counterintuitively made things feel much smoother.
You might also consider trying the hotfix Bethesdas is asking for help testing. Right-click Deathloop in Steam Library, choose Properties, then Beta, and type juliannashotme in the Access Code field. Hit Check Code to confirm.
Digital Foundry reports that the beta appears to have fixed one mouse issue, but Battaglia still highlights other issues in his full video. One is where you might need to quit a mission or begin the next level before the problem resolves itself.
It is possible that you are choosing graphical settings too high for a game that is quite demanding. As you can see, Deathloop looks fantastic at high levels of detail. You shouldn't dismiss it until you have tried it.