MADISON (Wis.) A retired Wisconsin Supreme Court justice, a conservative conservative, is leading a Republican-ordered inquiry into the 2020 presidential campaign. He released a Monday video in which he threatened to subpoena election officials if they don't comply. The intent was not overturning President Joe Biden’s narrow victory in the battleground.
Michael Gableman's unusual video of six minutes was made after election clerks became confused by an email his team sent last week, which was flagged as junk in multiple counties. This could indicate a security risk. It was not forwarded to the municipal clerks as he desired.
Gableman stated Monday that if any of the 1,900 plus county and municipal election officials in the state did not cooperate with his investigation, he was going to compel them. Robin Vos, Republican Assembly Speaker, has stated that he will sign subpoenas requesting information from Gableman. Vos paid nearly $680,000 to hire Gableman for the investigation.
Vos refused to sign subpoenas requested by Rep. Janel Bandtjen (chair of the Assembly elections commission) seeking voting machines and ballots in Milwaukee and Brown Counties.
Gableman stated that local clerks in Wisconsin who conduct elections will have to prove that the voting was legal.
Gableman stated that the government has the responsibility of proving that elections were fair, inclusive, and accountable. It is not the responsibility of the citizens to prove in advance that corrupt public officials or their contractors have been shown.
Gableman appears to be standing before an image of Wisconsin's Capitol in his video. He said that he was not trying to contest the results of the 2020 election in which Biden won Wisconsin by almost 21,000 votes. Some Republicans called for a wider audit, saying they believe widespread fraud occurred despite not having any evidence. Only two of the 3.3 million voters have been charged for election fraud.
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The false claim that Trump was stealing the election has been promoted by those who want an audit like the one in Arizona's Maricopa County.
Gableman answered the call of Brandtjen, former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke and others to conduct a forensic audit.
Gableman stated that the term "forensic audit" is confusing and has no accepted definition. Instead, those in charge of each audit create the definition. To find out the truth about what happened during our 2020 election, the Office of Special Counsel conducts a thorough investigation.
Gableman stated that an investigation could include a thorough and thorough audit if necessary.
Gablaman said to a group Trump supporters that he believed the election had been stolen in November. An ex-Trump official appears to be involved in the investigation. Gableman has yet to disclose who he hired or submit any invoices seeking payment.
Bipartisan criticism has already been levelled at Gableman's investigation. Chair of the Senate elections committee and Republican state senator Kathy Bernier said earlier this month that there was no reason to spread misinformation regarding the past election, when all the evidence supports the contrary.
Ben Wikler (chairman of the Wisconsin Democratic Party) stated in a statement, that Vos was wasting taxpayer money to serve the political needs of a small number of Republican insiders who want the erosion of the freedom to vote. It is a scam, a waste time and money and it damages our democracy.
The nonpartisan Legislative Audit Bureau has been conducting a review, which was ordered by Republicans.
Gableman said he would provide updates as necessary in a rational and responsible manner, including additional videos.