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Seth Rogen spoke out loudly about what many people were thinking: How did the Emmys Sunday night celebs get a pass indoors when it came down to wearing masks?
Seth joked that he might have reconsidered going to the Emmys if he had known that it was held in a tent sealed with hermetically and no masks. Seth called the Emmy honchos lying, saying that they claimed this was outdoor. It isn't. They lied to our faces."
The L.A. County Health Department. The L.A. County Health Department. This is obvious -- the masks were not worn as the stars in their glitzy attire cheered on each other. Seth grumbled, "There's way too many people in this room."
Emmys can only argue that the Emmys were a television production. But that is a stretch for all of us. It's a bad message to viewers, even if it were true.
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Bradley Whitford, the star of "West Wing", argued that everything was COVID.
Cedric, the Entertainer, actually challenged Seth. He said, "It actually feels incredible in here, unlike that which Seth was talking." He joked that everyone was vaxxed and didn't experience an adverse reaction, just like Nicki Minaj.
They were all vaxxed. But it seems hypocritical to ignore COVID rules because it spoils a good appearance.
According to Emmy organizers, tables were placed 6 feet apart in the room and the audience was smaller than usual. What about masks?