The One Acronym You Need to Find Your Inner Voice

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Over a decade in the media business has given me the opportunity to witness and experience different situations that have tested my abilities as a publicist, and a businesswoman. Although it was not an easy road, I learned from my mistakes and took the moral lessons to heart so that I did not end up empty handed.

In certain situations, I felt powerless, unheard and restricted by my environment. It was through those times that I learned to push myself to do better. I pushed myself beyond my limits and I never allowed anyone to take away who I was and what I could do. Motivated by the desire to succeed, it was my decision to speak up and not stay in the shadows.

I created my acronym B. E. P. I. C. as a guide for amplifying my voice. It has helped me overcome times of weakness until this day. Let me share five key takeaways from this acronym and how it helped me overcome various obstacles.

B - Make your dreams come true.

First, believe you can do it. You can turn your dreams into reality by believing in yourself. Everything else will follow your dreams once you make them a reality. If you don't believe you can achieve your goals, then you are missing the point. You can be a valuable player by believing in what your thoughts, words, and actions will accomplish.

The mind is an extremely powerful tool. You'll see amazing results if you use your mind properly. Write down your goals and chant them daily. Repeat the phrase, "Why not me, it's possible!" several times per day. Affirmations bring positivity and encourage you to be more productive. When you feel afraid or in doubt, remember your purpose and why you are here.

Related: How to Believe in Yourself Again

E - Empower yourself and speak into existence

Sometimes we speak for the sake and not own up to what is said. Speaking into existence is to speak confidently and passionately about the things you want. This is another way to work with the law of attraction. Communicate clearly, be prepared and present your best self.

Others will understand your thoughts if you speak up. You may find the right people and resources to help achieve your goals. It is not always possible to give your opinion or goals. You can be silent and wait, or you can just go with the flow. Then, disappointments and frustrations will multiply at the end of each day.

You can have the courage to make your dreams come true. Self-empowerment will bring you closer to the goal you have always desired. You can become an empowered person who is ready for anything in the world once you master it.

P - Personal satisfaction equals strength

It takes preparation, time, and open-mindedness to speak up for yourself. It is possible, but not impossible. Understanding your past will help you be more aware of your current situation. You can meditate on the past and examine how it has shaped you. What steps can you take if you used to be shy? Recognizing your fears and anxieties helps you become more capable and sensible. You will feel proud and satisfied because you stood firm. This power can be used to achieve any goal you set your mind on.

Related: How to Find Your Purpose and Your Audience, Your Voice and Your Voice

I - Inner core leads to finding your unique voice.

Your visions will be more apparent if you work on your inner core. All things start with your dreams, ambitions, and hopes. It is necessary to dig deeper and organize your emotions, strengths, and weaknesses. This involves daily self-discovery in many different ways. Keep track of the things you think about most often and what you do every day, no matter how simple these habits may seem. These habits reflect your inner self. It will be harder for you to achieve your goals and find your voice if you are constantly contradicting yourself.

C - Courage and willingness to get out of your comfort zone.

To be great and rise above the rest, it takes courage. This means accepting the ups and lows of life and being open to new opportunities. Enjoy the best that life has to give you. It's the most effective and efficient way to discover more about yourself, your life and how it affects you. As long as you allow yourself to, you can live your life and write your story in your own words. It doesn't matter where you come from, how old or what your family background is. You can't do anything if you don't have the courage to take action.

Although the road to greatness may be difficult, it is possible. You are in control of your destiny. It's just a matter of time before you take the step to speak out and find your voice.

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