Gabby Petito North Port Police Department
EastIdahoNews.com reported that a local business owner claimed that Brian Laundrie and Gabby Petito visited her store in late august.
Rustic Row's owner said that the couple had been in the store for about 15 minutes.
EastIdahoNews.com's owner said that the dogs seemed content.
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According to EastIdahoNews.com, a local Idaho business owner claimed that Gabby Petito (with Brain Laundrie as her fianc) was in their store for around 15 to 20 minutes in August. They seemed happy.
The owner of Rustic row in Victor, Idaho, stated that the couple stopped by their store on August 25-26.
"They said they were from Florida. They were just in Teton Park, and they had expressed interest in Yellowstone. I suggested that they go to the west entrance. The owner spoke to EastIdahoNews.com.
"They seemed happy, and when they left she hollered from the door that they were engaged. Then I said congratulations," she continued.
According to the report, the owner informed the FBI about her interactions with Petito after seeing the news about Petito. According to the New York Post, the store is located about 30 miles from Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. This was Petito's last known location.
Petito's mother claimed that she had previously spoken to her daughter via Facetime, on August 24, as the couple were leaving Salt Lake City, Utah for Wyoming. Petito's mother claimed that she received a text message from Petito on Aug 30 stating that she had lost Yosemite service. However, she does not believe the text was from Petito, as a family lawyer previously confirmed to Insider.
Authorities are searching for Petito (a 22-year old from Blue Point, New York) who was reported missing after she went on a road trip along with Laundrie. Insider created a map that shows the couple's journey, starting at their departure for their trip. It was also documented on their Instagram accounts.
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Laundrie returned from the trip to North Port, Florida on September 1 with the van without Petito. According to local police, he refused to talk with investigators. Laundrie was named by authorities as a "person-of interest" in the disappearance of his girlfriend. His family stated that they haven’t seen him since earlier this month.
"We don't know if there was a crime in North Port." Brian Laundrie, a person of concern in this case," Florida’s North Port Police Department stated in a statement.
Laundries's current location was not known as of Sunday. However, police in Florida are still searching for him at the Carlton Reserve. Petito was still being sought in Wyoming.
Insider has the original article.