For the rally in support of January 6 rioters, Capitol police and other law enforcement officers were on alert.
Final count showed that police officers and journalists outnumbered 150-200 protesters at the Justice for J6 rally.
Alan Chin, a photographer, was present to capture the scene and to talk with the protestors.
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At noon on Saturday, the Justice for J6 protest began in front of US Capitol. The number of police officers, journalists and counter-protesters was far greater than the 150 to 200 people who were there.
Just minutes before the scheduled start, the sounds of the Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli's "Con te partir", a signature tune, suddenly began blasting at high volume over the Mall.
Robert Jimenez is an audio engineer who also owns "All About Shows", a company based in Silver Spring. He admitted that he does all his soundchecks with opera. He claimed that he was offered the gig by Matt Braynard (an ex-Trump administration staffer) and "All About Shows" in Silver Spring, Maryland. A 50% deposit was required for the $7500 sound system, stage and video screen fee.
He said, "I must submit my ID to the police for any events we do here. So I need at minimum five days' notice." "Today, I have five employees including myself and three volunteers. We needed to bring generators.
U.S. Capitol Police at the "Justice for January 6" rally. Alan Chin, Insider
The US Capitol Police made a display of force using new riot armors and shields. The city was determined to avoid the violent scenes that occurred on Jan. 6, when thousands of protesters flooded into the Capitol. Sixty-three alleged rioters would face criminal charges later.
The Proud Boys, along with other right-wing groups, urged people not to go to the protest in the days before Saturday's demonstration.
Kesia is a woman who will identify herself as Kesia. Alan Chin, Insider
According to a woman from Maryland, Kesia, she attended the Jan. 6 rally.
She said, "I will be here again and that I was there on Jan. 6th. I'm not ashamed to admit that."
A man wearing a raccoon fur hat refused to give his name. Alan Chin, Insider
Unsurprisingly, a young man wearing a raccoon fur hat was not forthcoming with his answers. He refused to answer questions about his origins, whereabouts, and whether he was present at the Capitol on January 6. "I don't know anything about me or where I was any day. They shouldn't have been arrested. He said that he just wanted to be visible and added that he considered the Biden administration to be illegitimate.
He said that his hat was made using the "frontiersman" method.
You take the raccoon, and cut a line starting at the feet. Next, you will make a brim from the front. Take the feet and sew them to the curve. That's all. It's a hobby. While I work, I will be watching videos. He said, "You can do it within 20-25 minutes."
Tim Smith, Counter-protester with his handcrafted sign. Alan Chin, Insider
The protesters were limited due to the presence of police officers and large media coverage. Tim Smith, a counter-protester, brought a sign made from wood that said "LOSER" in the same manner as the signs for the 2020 Trump campaign.
This sign mocked President Donald Trump who lost the 2020 election. It falsely claimed that voter fraud was responsible.
Journalists surrounded Geraldine Lovell, Prince George's County Maryland. Alan Chin, Insider
Geraldine Lovell from Prince George's County in Maryland was among the first to arrive. She was warned initially by police that she would be required to move to an area nearby but physically separate if she was counter-protesting. She stated that she was supporting the demonstration to the police.
Thomas Ritchie, Washington DC resident. Insider by Alan Chin
Thomas Ritchie, another protester, stated that he moved to Washington DC four months ago after having lived in Helena, Montana for the past 11 years. He claimed that the staff he was carrying had been given to him by his Montana church.
He said, "I wear a sackcloth to protest all that is evil and wrong in the world." "I know that something major is coming, but I don't know when or what it will be. "We kill people because we want to kill people."
Matt Braynard, a former Trump staffer (center), called the protest. Insider: Alan Chin
Protester Diane Atkins. Alan Chin, Insider
Matt Braynard, a former Trump staffer, organized the rally. Braynard answered a journalist's question about his identity and then walked off.
Diane Atkins stated that she goes by the name "Diane *AngloSaxon* Atkins and is identified as a "Proud Christian American Republican, activist."
Behind her was a member of a private security company who was protecting the state and rally speakers. He was wearing a mask that read "I can't breath" and "Black Lives Matter."
None of the guards were able to answer questions about their assignment or identify themselves.
Jeremiah Shivers was born in Massachusetts and travelled with his family, his Great Dane, and his Great Dane. Insider: Alan Chin
Jeremiah Shivers, his Great Dane and his family traveled from Massachusetts to attend the rally. The sign on the dog read "Abolish all Democrats."
Participants at the Justice for J6 rally were outnumbered by police and media. Alan Chin, Insider
Police made four arrests on Saturday and seize two weapons.
There were no injuries.